Chapter 9:

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After their class, Ava made her way to the cafeteria. She took her phone out, wanting to text Beatrice to talk to her about what happened. She was in the middle of texting when she bumped into someone.

-Oh god. I am so sorry. I didn't see you. I swear., said a voice.

Ava looked up and saw a girl she hadn't met yet.

-It's okay. It's my fault. I was on my phone., she said as she looked down and saw books on the floor.

She knelt down and picked them up for the girl, handing them to her.

-Thank you. I'm Yasmin. I'm new here., said the girl shyly.

-Nice to meet you. I'm Ava. I'm also new. I'm sorry Yasmin but I have to go. Someone is waiting for me., lied Ava, walking past her quickly and going back to texting.

< Can we please talk? i promise not to tell anyone about the Sarah thing but I also can't just pretend like she didn't hurt you. >

She kept walking, entering the cafeteria. She looked around and saw the girls at the same table as the day before. She walked up to them, sitting down on the same seat but noticing that the seat next to her way empty.

-Ava, have you seen Beatrice?, asked Camila, seemingly worried.

-No. She walked out of the class before me. I thought she came here to reserve your table or something., frowned Ava, taking her phone out again.

She read the text and sighed, loud enough for the girls to hear.

-Is it her?, asked Mary quickly.

-Hm? No, no. It's my little brother., lied Ava, giving her a light smile.

-I'm going to call her., said Lilith as she took her phone out.

-What if she went home because of a family emergency? Let's not assume the worst. I'm sure she's fine., replied Ava, hoping the girls wouldn't spam Beatrice.

She waited as she saw the bubbles appear on her screen. There was no message though. The bubbles vanished.

Ava frowned and heard footsteps approaching. She turned around and saw Beatrice, who was hiding something in her expression. It almost looked like she was in pain but hid it with a serious expression. She sat down next to Ava in silence, but couldn't help but let a little wince slip.

-Beatrice, where were you?, asked Camila with a frown.

-Had to go to my locker. I forgot to pack my book for the next lesson but realized I had a spare in the locker., lied the girl as she started to eat and ignoring the looks from her friend.

-You seem off. Did something happen?, wondered Mary who seemed like she was ready to jump someone if she had to.

-No. Now eat up. Are you still going to the thing tomorrow?, asked Beatrice, changing the subject, knowing how easily her friends could get distracted.

-Yes. Oh, Ava! We forgot to ask you yesterday but do you wanna join us tomorrow? We're going out to a club. Of course Beatrice refuses to come with us because she for sure hates us., joked Camila, looking at Ava with a smile and expecting an answer.

-Well, how about I only go if she goes?, suggested Ava, making Beatrice look at her with a sigh.

-That's not going to work., said Beatrice, shrugging as she already looked bored by whatever Ava was doing.

-Awww. I'm sure I can convince you to go. I can be very stubborn and persuasive., replied the smaller brunette, elbowing her arm jokingly, frowning a little when she heard Beatrice inhale sharply.

-Yes, I'm quite aware of the stubborn part by now., nodded Beatrice, clenching her jaw, clearly trying to pretend to be okay.

Ava watched her but decided not to say anything, not wanting the other girls to know about the Sarah things. She chuckled and got up.

-I'll come up with something. Don't worry., smirked Ava as she grabbed her plate and walked away.

Beatrice sighed, watching her walk away. She then felt eyes on her, so she turned to look at her friends, ready for the comments.

-What?, asked Beatrice, already done with whatever they were going to say.

-What happened yesterday after we left you guys?, asked Camila curiously.

-What do you mean?, frowned Beatrice with a sigh.

-It seems like you guys are more comfortable around each other so we're just wondering why or how that happened?, added Lilith as she kept eating.

-I walked her home. It was dark outside and she got hurt while playing football, so I decided to walk her home. Don't make a big deal out of it. It really isn't., admitted Beatrice, already regretting it as she saw Camila's face light up.

-You walked her home?, smiled Camila.

-Yes. I did., nodded the brunette, looking at her plate.

-And then what? There's more. I'm sure of it., replied Camila with a smile as she simply stared at Beatrice with big eyes and waited for some sort of huge revelation.

-She followed me on insta. I followed her back. She thanked me for walking her home. Now leave me alone. I wanna eat and go back to class.,explained Beatrice before putting a mouthful of pasta in her mouth, giving herself an excuse to not speak.

Camila got the message and nodded. She looked at the others though, sharing some knowing looks.

-I can see you guys. Stop it., complained Beatrice, looking up at them.

-We didn't say anything., said Mary, raising her hands defensively, seeing how tense her friend seemed.

Beatrice rolled her eyes and got up when the bell rang, grabbing her plate, saying goodbye to the girls. She then put it away and walked to her next class, seeing Ava already sitting there with a bright smile when she saw her appear. Beatrice sighed, knowing she had to deal with her, walking up to her and sitting on her assigned seat next to Ava.

-So, what are you wearing tomorrow evening?, smirked Ava, looking up at Beatrice.

-I'm not going, Ava., said the brunette without even looking at her, avoiding the eye contact.

-Why?, asked the smaller girl, now in a more serious tone.

-Because I don't want to., replied Beatrice, now looking at her, showing her that she was serious and that she wouldn't get an answer out of her.

-Nope, I want to hear the real reason. Why do you not want to go?, asked Ava once again, being her stubborn self.

-Please let it go., sighed Beatrice, looking down at the table.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: hello! im somewhat back haha, anyways, this is somewhat of a filler chapter but I hope that you'll enjoy it! some angst and confusion as always BUT!!! more action to come hehe. I've finished writing the 14th chapter already, it's going to be fun!

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