Chapter 24:

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Everyone eventually woke up from their beauty sleeps. They said their goodbye to Ava and her family, leaving the house. Beatrice was asked to stay by Marisa to talk about the case. She asked Beatrice to wait by her office room, so she did. She was slightly anxious but Ava said that she would stay with her. Marisa arrived and let the girls in. She motioned for them to sit down.

-Okay. Beatrice, would you want to be the main witness? Would you be willing to testify for Ava and against Mr. Moore?, said the mother, grabbing her files.

-Yes ma'am. Gladly., nodded Beatrice.

-Perfect. Now, I need you to tell me exactly what happened, as if his lawyer were to ask you what you saw and what you did. Okay?, said Marisa with a serious expression.

-Okay. I was on the dance floor with my friends. I saw Mr. Moore taking Ava out of the club by the back door. Ava didn't seem to be in the best condition. Her eyes kept shutting and her limps seemed numb. I followed them because it seemed shady. I then saw him walk her to, what I presume is his car. He put Ava in the backseat. He got in as well, closing the door behind himself. I saw him get on top of Ava. I walked up to the car, opened the door and pulled him off her. I saw that Ava was laying on the backseat, unconscious. I picked her up and got her out of the car. Camila and the girls joined me. She helped me hold Ava since she couldn't stand. Mr. Moore told me to mind my business and took a few steps towards us. Mary and Camila held Ava as I grabbed him by his shirt and told him to get lost. He got in the car and drove away. I then took Ava to my car and drove her here., explained Beatrice, trying her best to seem compose and not look at Ava as she explained what happened.

Marisa took notes and wrote everything down that seemed helpful.

-Okay. There are cameras in the back of the club. We're waiting for the owner to send us the video but apparently Mr. Moore's father is trying to legally forbid us to get the tape., explained the mother.

-How? What? That's absurd., frowned Beatrice.

-He's a powerful man., sighed Marisa.

-I see. Well, I need to get home. My family is waiting for me., lied Beatrice as she got up from her chair.

Marisa looked up at her.

-Oh. Okay. We'll need to set up another meeting before your appearance in court., said the mother.

-Of course., nodded Beatrice.

Ava got up and looked at Beatrice.

-Thank you for doing this., smiled Ava sadly.

-Of course, Ava., replied the taller brunette.

Ava wrapped her arms around Beatrice, hugging her tightly. Beatrice smiled softly and hugged her back. Ava eventually let her go. Beatrice grabbed her things and left the house. She got in her car and drove off. She drove home, not really respecting the speed limit. She walked into her mansion, Vincent opening the door for her.

-Hi Vincent. Are the girls in yet?, asked Beatrice.

-Yes, Miss. They are. Is everything okay?,replied the man.

-There's something I need to take care of., explained Beatrice, already walking to the girls' office.

She knocked and waited a few seconds before they opened the door for her.

-Hello, Miss. Do you need assistance?, asked the girl.

-I need a mask. My knives. And two of you girls., said Beatrice.

-Can you tell us what for?, wondered the girl.

-I need to get the video tape of where the incident happened since the boy's father is making it impossible to get it. I'm going in there and getting it myself. One of you will stay in the car so we're ready to leave whenever. The other will assist on retrieving the footage., explained Beatrice as she entered the room, grabbing a mask and then unlocking the safe to her knives.

-Okay, Miss. I will be assisting along with Catherine., replied the girl.

-Perfect., said Beatrice.

-Shall we go now?, asked Catherine.

-Yes. You will drive. Catherine will go in with me., ordered Beatrice, watching the girls gather their things.

They left the room together, going to a car and then driving off to the club.

-The club is still closed. I had someone check to make sure that the owner is in his office though., said Catherine from the backseat.

Beatrice nodded, focused on retrieving that tape to help Ava get her justice. They eventually pulled over at the club, the girl keeping the car running in case she'd need to drive off with the other two in a hurry. Beatrice put her mask on and got out, so did Catherine. They walked to the building, just walking into the club. A bartender was cleaning the counter and didn't even bother to looked at them.

-We're not open yet., said the man, his eyes on the counter that he was cleaning.

-I have an appointment with the owner., replied Beatrice, ignoring the bartender now and going upstairs.

She walked to a door that had the word "private" on it. She knocked and waited. There was no answer. She then kicked the door open, seeing an older man making out with a much younger girl. She took her knife out and motioned for the girl to leave. The man looked at her with an amused expression.

-Did you come to replace her?, chuckled the man.

-The video tape for the incident two nights ago. Now., said Beatrice with a threatening tone.

-See, I was paid a lot of money to not share that footage with the lawyer lady and her slut of a daughter., smirked the man, leaning back on his chair.

Beatrice scoffed and walked up to him. She pressed her knife against his throat, cutting it lightly.

-I'm not asking for it., said the brunette.

She looked at Catherine who nodded and walked over to his computer. She started searching through it, finding easily. She plugged a USB stick in, downloaded the footage of that entire night. Meanwhile, the man just stared at Beatrice's eyes through the mask with a slight frown.

-I know you., stated the man.

-Say another word and it will be the last one you'll ever say., warned Beatrice, the blade of the knife leaving a mark on the man's throat.

-Feisty., provoked the man.

Beatrice was about to press the knife harder but she got interrupted.

-Got it. Let's go., said Catherine.

Beatrice looked at Catherine and nodded, before looking back at the man, punching him hard enough to knock him unconscious. Catherine raised her eyebrows not expecting that. Beatrice simply walked out after grabbing the USB stick from the other girl. They walked back down to the car, getting in and driving off.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: you got to see a new side of Beatrice! hope you enjoyed it! see you in the one xd

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