Chapter 35:

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-I'll take my shower now, okay?, said Beatrice with a soft smile, looking down at Ava.

-Do you...want some company?, asked the younger girl.

Beatrice forgot to blink, just looking at her.

-What?, said the older brunette.

Ava looked at her with a shy expression.

-Not like that. I was just asking if you want me to stay here. In the bathroom?, shrugged Ava, looking at her.

-Oh. Why?, frowned Beatrice a little, crossing her arms.

-I don't know. You know what? Forget I said that., replied Ava, making her way out of the bathroom, closing the door behind herself.

Beatrice watched her leave, confused about the whole thing. She shrugged to herself and got undressed completely, getting in the shower. Meanwhile, Ava went downstairs to the kitchen. She looked around for something to cook and started doing so. She knew that her food wouldn't compare to Beatrice's private chef's but that's okay. She didn't have to wait long before she heard footsteps behind her and then feelings arms around her waist. She felt damp hair against her neck, smiling a little. She couldn't help but get chills from it.

-Welcome back., chuckled Ava, chopping a mushroom.

-Thank you. What are you cooking?, asked the older brunette.

-Risotto with mushrooms. Sounds good?, wondered Ava, focused on the knife.

-Sounds great, my love., smiled Beatrice.

Ava nodded and kept cutting the mushrooms. Suddenly, she felt lips against her neck again. She stopped cutting for a second.

-Bea? I have a knife in my hand., said Ava, chuckling.

-Well then you better keep your focus on it then., shrugged Beatrice, resting her chin on Ava's shoulder.

Ava could feel the warm breathing against her skin and gulped.

-I can't. You're driving me insane here., admitted the brunette, putting the knife down to look at Beatrice.

The older brunette smiled at her, not moving though.

-Go set the table., ordered Ava, motioning drawers.

-Whatever you want, my love., nodded Beatrice, now pulling away.

She started looking through a few drawers, trying to find everything she needed to set the table. Ava went back to cooking, although she missed the feeling of Beatrice's arms around her waist. She never expected the girl to be this touchy and comfortable with her this quickly. She did figure that she was probably touch starved, just like her. She didn't mind it, of course. She was loving and enjoying every second of it. She felt safe with Beatrice. Her touch was gentle and sincere. Nothing like her ex's. She couldn't even begin to compare Beatrice to JC. They were total opposites.

Beatrice seemed tough and distant but she turned out to be gentle, soft and caring. JC pretended to be a good guy, having the façade of a golden boy. The perfect man. But in reality, he was far more disturbing than anyone could ever imagine. He was rough, angry, possessive but also so deeply scared and scarred. She constantly felt like he was going to explode due to his rage. He would throw tantrums like a little child whenever things didn't go as planned or how he wanted it.

As Ava was daydreaming of how perfect her girlfriend is, Beatrice was setting the table for the two of them. She then frowned.

-Wait, my love, does your family eat with us?, asked the older girl.

Ava turned around and shrugged.

-I'm not sure. Can you call my mom and ask? My hands are dirty., replied Ava, looking at Beatrice.

The taller brunette nodded and took her phone out, calling Marisa.

-Beatrice? Is everything okay?, asked the mother.

-Yeah, everything is okay. Ava is making some risotto and was wondering if you would all  dine with us?, asked Beatrice after reassuring Marisa that everything was alright.

-Oh. Uh, no. Diego has been begging to eat at his favorite local fast food place.,said Marisa with a chuckle.

-Oh, I see. I will let Ava know., replied Beatrice, now looking at Ava.

-Hey, I want to talk to you two later., added the mother.

-About what, if you don't mind me asking?, said the brunette.

-About the case. I have the court date., revealed Marisa.

-When is it?, frowned Beatrice as Ava threw her questioning looks.

-We'll talk about it when I'm home. Don't tell Ava yet. I don't want her to be stressed out because of it., said Marisa with a sigh.

-Yes ma'am. Will do., replied Beatrice as they said their goodbyes and then hung up.

Ava was still looking at her, obviously waiting for Beatrice to tell her what's going on.

-They're eating at a fast food place that your brother likes., smiled Beatrice, walking up to Ava.

-Oh. Okay. What else?, asked the younger girl with a curious tone.

-She wants to talk to us later. I can't say why and I don't want to lie to you. So please just be patient, my love., explained Beatrice

Ava raised her eyebrows. Surely she was curious about what they talked about, but she was thankful that Beatrice was being truthful. She nodded with a smile.

.Yeah. I can be patient. Thank you for being honest., thanked Ava.

Dinner was eventually ready, so they sat down at the table and ate the risotto that Ava had cooked for them. As Beatrice sat down, she winced a little, which her girlfriend noticed.

-Can I take care of it again later?, asked Ava with a soft tone.

-I'm...Okay. Yeah. Please., said Beatrice, at first hesitating to agree to it but then giving up and agreeing to it, knowing that she could trust Ava with it.

That obviously made Ava smile, sensing the inner debate that might have happened for Beatrice to agree to it. Once they finished dinner and washed the dishes, they walked back upstairs to Ava's bedroom.

-Sit down. And as much I love to see you in my oversized hoodie and making it seem normal sized, please take it off., joked Ava as she motioned the bed to Beatrice.

Beatrice rolled her eyes, chuckling but she did sit down and took her hoodie off. Ava walked away to get her first aid kit.

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: hi there! Thank you for all the love and comments! It's reassuring to know that you guys are enjoying reading this as much as im enjoying writing it!

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