Chapter 26:

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-Bea, are you...are you the missing-, tried Ava.

-Yes., whispered Beatrice with tears in her eyes.

Ava frowned, walking up to her but Beatrice moved away.

-Go home, Ava., said the brunette.

-No. No, I'm not going anywhere., replied Ava, refusing to leave.

-Please. Just go., pleaded Beatrice, still not daring to look at the other girl.

Ava moved closer to her, taking Beatrice's hand and then pulling her into a hug. Beatrice was tense, not wanting to accept the touch at first but she eventually gave in. She hugged Ava back, her hands gripping onto Ava's jacket as she cried into her shoulder.

-I got you., whispered Ava as she rubbed Beatrice's back soothingly with the palm of her hand.

The older brunette didn't reply, just clinging onto Ava's body, desperate for the comfort and reassurance that the girl constantly gives her.

-Sleep at my place?, suggested Ava.

Beatrice frowned a little and pulled away from the hug. She finally managed to look at Ava.

-W-What?, said the brunette.

-Sleep at my place? It's getting dark., repeated Ava.

-I...I can't. I have to go. I'm sorry., replied Beatrice as she cleared her throat and wiped her tears away.

-Can I come with you?, asked the younger girl.

Beatrice looked at her, contemplating on how she should answer that question. She shook her head.

-Why? So you can see where I live? Tell everyone where I've been hiding all this time?, said Beatrice.

Ava watched her and shook her head.

-I understand that you don't trust me to keep this secret. I do. But I promise that I'll prove to you that I am trustworthy and that no one will know about this from me. Bea, I care about you. Me wanting to go to your place is just me trying to make you comfortable to show me who you truly are. You know I won't judge. I will also never hurt you or use you like Sarah does. I'm not her., explained Ava, taking Beatrice's hand in hers as she spoke.

-I can't allow myself to trust anyone, Ava., sighed Beatrice.

-I know. I don't blame you. But I trust you., replied Ava.

-That doesn't really matter right now., frowned Beatrice, not understanding.

-I trust you with my heart. I trust that you won't hurt me. If I can trust you with my heart, I hope you can trust me with yours. I hope you will learn to trust me. But for that, you need to give me a chance to prove to you that I'm worthy of your trust., explained Ava, looking her in the eyes.

-Ava..., sighed Beatrice.

-I'm not Sarah. I want you for you. Not for your status or money., added Ava with a reassuring smile.

Beatrice shook her head and sighed.

-Call your mom., said the brunette.

Ava smiled and nodded, dialing her mother's phone number. She quickly asked her mother if she was allowed to spend the night at Beatrice's, to which the mother agreed since she trusted Beatrice. Beatrice heard all of it so she took Ava's hand, walking her to her car. She got in and so did Ava, driving off.

-I have never brought anyone home. I consider my workers as my friends. I expect you to treat them with respect., warned Beatrice, her eyes on the road.

-Of course, Bea., nodded Ava, watching Beatrice.

-A few rules. If you have questions, you ask me and I will determine if I can answer it or not. You do not go behind my back and ask my workers. Then, never go in the basement alone. It is for your own safety. Finally, you never, and I mean never, call me princess. Do you understand?, explained Beatrice firmly and seriously.

-I do. No questions to your workers. No basement and no calling you princess., repeated Ava, paying attention to what Beatrice was saying.

-Ava, if you so much as just write down somewhere in your diary or something that I am- that I am her, then-, started Beatrice, glancing over at Ava.

-I won't, Bea. I promise. I know this is a big secret but believe me, I can keep a secret. I'm not telling anyone. I'm not leaving traces of it anywhere. You have my word., replied the younger brunette, looking back at Beatrice.

-Okay. Okay. Do not make me regret this., sighed Beatrice, her eyes on the road now.

She took her phone out and dialed a number. She cleared her throat.

-Hello, Miss. Is there anything I can help you with?, asked a male voice, unknown to Ava.

-I am bringing a friend home. Have Jennifer add a plate to our dinner table. We will be eating with you tonight. And Vincent, my parents cannot know about this., ordered Beatrice.

-Of course, Miss. Your parents are currently in Monaco. They won't be told about this. I will talk to Jennifer. We will await your arrival, Miss., replied Vincent.

-Oh and are the girls in? They are welcome to join. I need to discuss some matters with them later., explained the older brunette.

-The girls are still here, yes. I will invite them. Is there anything else that I can do for you Miss? Will your friend be staying the night? I can order for the guest room to be cleaned if you'd like., suggested the man.

-No. That won't be necessary. My friend will be staying in my room. Thank you, Vincent., thanked the girl as she drove down a big driveway.

-Alright. I will see you soon, Miss., replied Vincent.

-Goodbye, Vincent., said Beatrice as she hung up the phone.

She stopped the car in the middle of the driveway, looking at Ava.

-My friends are...utterly curious. And cautious. They will ask you questions about your personal life. You can answer them or decline to do so. Vincent is my butler. He takes care of everything. If you need anything, ask him and he will provide it for you. Now, the girls that I mentioned are like my bodyguards. They're the only ones who know what happened to you the other night. They won't be bombarding you with questions. They're more distant than the others for obvious reasons. Ava, I...I want this to go well. You're the first person I've ever brought home. They don't know about Sarah and they can't know. I want to trust you because I want us to work. Don't make me regret it., spoke Beatrice as Ava quietly listened.

-I won't disappoint you. I'll be good. Thank you for explaining everything and for giving me a chance to prove myself., smiled Ava.

Beatrice nodded and started the car again, driving up to the mansion and parking the car.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: hi there! the fun has only yet begun! I hope youre liking the book this far! I am genuinely enjoying writing this!! see you in the next one hehe

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