Chapter 1

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In the base town of Fuchsia Village, the Red Hair Pirates had recently arrived. However, their arrival was greeted by two young boys, seven years old, who had black hair and striking obsidian eyes. These two were brothers, with Monkey D. Shiki being the elder and Monkey D. Luffy the younger.

"Shakey Shiki, Anchor... what are you two up to now?" inquired "Red Hair" Shanks.

"I'm going to prove to you that I am the strongest man in the world, and you'll have no choice but to let me join your crew!" declared Shiki.

"Yes! And I'll show you just how manly I am, and then you'll have to accept me into the crew!" added Luffy.

"You kids can't possibly be ready... You're just brats," remarked one of Shanks' crew members.

"We definitely are!" shouted both brothers confidently.

Luffy wielded a knife, while Shiki grasped two blades. Luffy inadvertently stabbed himself in the face, and Shiki left a colossal slash across his chest.

"Holy sh..." Shanks exclaimed, taken aback by the scene.

Later, at the local tavern...

"THAT WAS UTTERLY FOOLISH OF YOU TWO!" Shanks scolded the brothers vehemently.

"But we really want to join your crew..." Shiki defended.

"Yeah, we're tough! I pack a punch like a pistol," asserted Luffy.

"And I'm aiming to be the strongest man alive!" declared Shiki.

"Punches like pistols and aspiring to be the strongest man... now that's funny," Shanks burst into laughter, unable to contain himself.

In a gesture of conciliation, Shanks offered the brothers some apple juice, only to chuckle mischievously. "Real men don't drink apple juice," he teased.

"Hey! You tricked me, you bastard!" Shiki's voice echoed through the tavern, seething with irritation.

"That wasn't funny at all!" Luffy joined in, his frustration evident in his tone.

Makino, one of the barmaids, intervened in the escalating tension. "You boys at it again..." Her voice held a touch of exasperated affection.

Emiko, the other barmaid and the adoptive sister of Luffy and Shiki, chimed in. "Those two will never change." She was the daughter of Dandan, possessing shoulder-length dark blue hair and onyx eyes, appearing in her mid-20s.

"Don't fret, you two. Shanks is just watching out for you both... in his own way," Ben Beckman, the crew's first mate, reassured them.

Shiki's glare remained fixed on Shanks. "Doesn't seem like it," he muttered under his breath.

Ben Beckman interjected, emphasizing the dangers of the sea. "There's plenty a pirate must learn. Shanks simply doesn't want you kids to get hurt."

"Yo Anchor, Shakey Shiki!" Shanks called out playfully.

"He just enjoys poking fun at us," Luffy grumbled.

"Stop calling me Shakey Shiki! It was only that one time," Shiki retorted.

"Perhaps you do have a point..." Ben Beckman conceded, a slight bead of sweat forming on his brow.

Luffy diverted their attention, pointing excitedly towards a nearby box. "Hey, bro, look over here..."

Shiki's curiosity piqued. "Hmm?" he murmured, turning his gaze toward the box.

Suddenly, the tavern's door slammed open, revealing a man with a face adorned in scars, a massive sword strapped to his back. Strangely, the man lacked a nose, an oddity that immediately drew attention.

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