Chapter 23 (Baratie Arc: Part 8)

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Luffy glared at Gin… he wanted to sock Gin in the face… however, Shiki caught the mace... Shiki just smirked at Gin.

"Attacking from behind is cowardly. I suggest you stand back if you don't want me to do to you what I did to Pearl. So scram!" said Shiki seriously, and then let go of Gin's mace.

Gin left too afraid to attack.

"Shiki, why did you let him go?" asked Luffy.

"I think Sanji should fight Gin," said Shiki.

"Why?" asked Luffy.

"Don't you want to fight Don Krieg?" asked Shiki with a smirk, knowing this would make Luffy change his mind quickly.

"Oh yeah!" said Luffy.

Shiki was about to turn around.

"So what are you going to do, Shiki?" asked Luffy.

"I'm going to take care of the rest," said Shiki, looking at the other crew members.

Many of Don Krieg's crew who were on the deck took a step back when he said that.

Shiki simply walked over to the crew and began to fight them… many were punched out, others were kicked, some of them he simply flicked their foreheads and had the same results—flying into the ocean… when he was done, everyone stared at him… even Don Krieg.

"How… how did you do that?" said Don Krieg.

"I have a devil fruit power," said Shiki with a shrug.

"That was so awesome!" yelled Luffy.

"That's impossible! That guy…" said Don Krieg, glaring at Shiki.

Back on the battlefield, "You have to join my crew!" said Don Krieg.

"No thanks… I'm already part of a crew… and that's where I like it," said Shiki, glaring harshly at him, "Luffy, go beat up Don Krieg for that offer he just made…"

"Right!" said Luffy.

Outside on the battlefield, Luffy and Don Krieg were having a fight… of words… Don Krieg asked Luffy twice who was pirate King material… Luffy would answer himself, angering Don Krieg. He even sent out a bomb filled with shuriken… which he claimed was filled with poison gas… which Luffy tried to kick away, but Don Krieg was so angry with Luffy… in the end, it was decided that he would kill Luffy himself.

"Don Krieg… I would like to ask…" said Gin, approaching his captain.

"Kill the cook yourself? Go ahead…" said Don Krieg, who was more furious with Luffy than anything else.

"Sanji… because you saved our lives, I will be the one who will kill you…" said Gin.

"Whatever…" said Sanji.

"You want to fight? I'll give you one!" said Luffy.

So the battle continued...

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