Chapter 24 (Baratie Arc: Part 9)

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Luffy was using the busted mast to run towards Don Krieg, getting his strange gun-shield thing ready, then he tossed something into the water, causing a small explosion of water. That's when he saw metal stakes come through the water...

Luffy dodged left, then right, then used a matrix-like maneuver, and finally did that thing where he ducked while leaning backwards. With those moves, Luffy managed to avoid all the stakes that were being shot at him.

Don Krieg just chuckled and began a speech about military might, but Luffy didn't even take note of him.

"Aren't you paying attention to me!" yelled Don Krieg.

"No way!" said Luffy, making a face at him.

"Finish him, Gin!" yelled Don Krieg.

Luffy turned around and saw Sanji bruised, bloody, and beaten...

They continued to fight, even though it looked like Gin was going to win. Sanji managed to get a good hit, but he couldn't handle the shock from his own attack. Doubled over in pain, Sanji lay on the ground, causing Krieg's men (who were just floating around in the water for fear that Shiki would return) to laugh. Despite his condition, Sanji managed to get up and finish up a move, but then he began to cry.

"I can't do it!" he yelled, "I can't kill the first person who was ever so kind to me!"

All of Don Krieg's men were shocked at the "sudden betrayal," surprised that the man known for his cruel ways would refuse to kill someone. Don Krieg was going to use his most powerful weapon, a poison gas bomb. All of Krieg's men had gas masks, even Gin, but Gin listened to Don Krieg and threw his into the ocean.

"Let's get into the restaurant now!" yelled Patty.

He and Carne carried Zeff into the restaurant.

"Luffy, you have to get to him before he launches it…" said Shiki.

"I know…" thought Luffy.

Luffy once again ran towards Don Krieg. He of course shot the spikes towards him, which Luffy dodged. This angered Don Krieg, who began to break the mast he used as a bridge as it began to sink. Luffy ran back to the special deck.

Luffy saw some of Krieg's men wearing the masks. He grabbed the gas mask from two of the men.

"Catch!" he told Sanji and Gin.

Luffy turned back to get one for himself.

"They're gone!" yelled Luffy.

Don Krieg sent out the bomb, which exploded in a purple fog.

"It's about time I get involved again…" said Shiki.

Luffy was lucky that he found that mask. They waited for the poisonous fog to clear by talking.

The fog finally cleared after a few minutes.

"Get off me!" he heard Sanji.

Luffy turned around and gasped—Gin was over Sanji, forcing Sanji to wear the mask.

"Where's your mask?" asked Luffy.

"He… threw his mask to you…" said Sanji with his voice shaking.

Gin collapsed as he began to cough up blood. Don Krieg just laughed at the sight.

"Gin…" said Sanji.

Luffy glared at Don Krieg—he really hated the man. Don Krieg continued to laugh as Gin lay there coughing up blood.

"You felt sorry for that piece of rubbish…" laughed Don Krieg.

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