Chapter 34 (Loguetown Arc: Part 2)

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The two brothers managed to reach the platform, and then Luffy climbed it.

"Way to go, Luffy!" cheered Shiki.

"What did you say? I can't hear!" replied Luffy.

That's when a sheriff appeared with a bullhorn.

"Get down from there!" demanded the sheriff.

"Why?" inquired Luffy.

"That execution scaffold is under the jurisdiction of the World Government! Get down now!" the sheriff ordered.

Then, the sheriff was struck with a giant mace.

"I've found you at last, Shiki... Luffy..." announced the person holding the mace-a beautiful woman with silky black hair, wearing a cloak and cowboy hat.

Everyone in the crowd was enamored with the woman.

"Do you know her, Shiki?" asked Luffy.

"No clue..." replied Shiki, "Do you?"

"I have no clue..." shrugged Luffy.

"I'll never forget the two of you... the first two men to hit my lovely face," declared the woman.

"When did we hit you?" questioned the D Brothers.

As the woman continued boasting about her beauty, she mentioned something intriguing.

"I do love strong men," she admitted, "That's why I was searching for you two. It was a tough choice to choose who would be mine... but I chose Shiki... after all, he is older and, frankly, Luffy... you're fine as well, but not really my type," she explained.

"Hey, that's my brother you're talking to!" protested Shiki, attempting to attack, but all his punches somehow missed, and he was struck by the mallet.

"What just happened?" exclaimed Shiki.

At that moment, the island's police arrived to arrest the woman but hesitated when they saw her beauty. Then, someone blew up a fountain, causing wreckage to head towards the woman, but just like Shiki's punches, it missed her.

"Maybe it has something to do with a Devil Fruit!" suggested Shiki.

"That's very perceptive of you, Shiki! I love smart men as well," complimented the woman.

"Sorry, but I'm not interested," sighed Shiki.

"Well, either way," continued the woman, "I'm the infamous Lady Alvida!"

"Where's Alvida?" asked Shiki and Luffy.

"Right here, you fools!" yelled the woman, revealing herself as Alvida.

"You look different," remarked Luffy.

"You're no longer a living island!" declared Shiki.

"As you said, I ate a Devil Fruit... the Slip Slip Fruit," explained Alvida. "Now my beautiful skin can't be marred by any attack."

"That explains why my attacks just slipped off you," acknowledged Shiki.

"Sadly, my beauty was barely enhanced... but I do look different. My freckles are gone," lamented Alvida.

"I don't think that's it," remarked Shiki and Luffy with sweat drops.

"But before you can be my man, you and Luffy have to defeat someone," announced Alvida.

A large group of men wearing cloaks emerged, revealing themselves to be Buggy and his crew. After exchanging greetings and some banter, Buggy threatened Luffy and Shiki.

"That's if you can," retorted Shiki.

"Don't underestimate me!" retorted Buggy.

Buggy's men then brandished guns, while Cabaji restrained Luffy.

"Luffy!" cried Shiki.

Meanwhile, at the Marines base, Captain Smoker received word of trouble at the scaffolding. As he investigated, he encountered Kuro, who seemed unusually pleased.

"What's with you?" inquired Smoker.

"I just learned that two old 'friends' received bounties," replied Kuro with a smirk.

As they headed to the square, Zoro's acquaintance, Tashigi, rushed towards them.

"Captain Smoker! Sorry I'm late!" she exclaimed.

"Tashigi, you're late!" reprimanded Smoker.

"Sorry, I'm having an off day," apologized Tashigi.

"More than usual?" teased Kuro.

"Why are you in a good mood?" questioned Tashigi.

"I just figured out a way to get one over on the enemy," revealed Kuro.

Meanwhile, near the town square, the rest of the crew began to regroup. Usopp and Sanji reunited at the market.

Back With Zoro...

"It's strange how the crowd seems to be thinning out," observed Zoro.

That's when everyone rendezvoused.

Nami, however, was more concerned with the weather.

"Where are Shiki and Luffy anyway?" asked Usopp.

"They went to see the execution scaffolding," replied Nami.

Meanwhile, in a nearby building, the Marines observed the situation at the square when three officers arrived.

"What's going on?" inquired Smoker.

"There are civilians being held hostage," reported one of the Marines.

"Four wanted individuals are in the square: Iron Mace Alvida, Buggy the Clown, Monkey D. Luffy, and Monkey D. Shiki," added another Marine.

"This is my lucky day," remarked Kuro. "Who would have thought they would show up here?"

"I haven't heard of Luffy or Shiki," confessed Smoker.

"I have. Those are the 'old friends' I mentioned. Shiki, you could say, was my enemy since we were kids. I guess fate made this happen," explained Kuro.

All of them saw that Luffy was about to be killed.

Back with the remaining Straw Hats, they witnessed what was about to happen to Luffy, realizing that the idiot was on the verge of being killed. Of course, something like that had to happen; it was just Luffy's luck.

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