Chapter 3 (Shells Town Arc: Part 1)

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The D brothers and Koby were sailing to their destination, so that Luffy and Shiki could get the Pirate Hunter, Roronoa Zoro to join them...

"So Koby... if you join the marines then what are you going to do afterwards..." asked Shiki.

"I dont actually know... but all i know is i will become a marine..." said Koby clenching his fist.

"Thats the spirit ..." smiled Shiki.

Everything went silent until shiki who was bored said.

"Oi Luffy let's fight im bored.." said Shiki bored with his arms behind his back while he was leaning back on the boat.

Luffy looked to Shiki,"Yea let's go!"

Both Luffy and Shiki prepare to fight until...

"Are you guys idiots!" said Koby.

"No." responded both Shiki and Luffy clueless as to they were still on the small boat.

"Then how do you idiots expect to fight on this small boat! Do you wanna get us killed!" asked Koby.

"Oh yeah! We're still on the boat i forgot that for a moment..." said Shiki laughing.

Luffy joined.

Koby sweat dropped not understanding the brothers.

Not too long later they managed to get to the island.

"So are we going to go to the Marine Base?" asked Koby.

"Later after meat..." said Luffy.

"And Dumplings..." said Shiki with a watering mouth.

Not too long later the trio sat in a restaurant... Koby just stared at the two brother... plates covered in bones were piled high, next to that was columns of bowls...

"Um... guys... I know I told you I'd pay... but..." said Koby... he began to cry "I don't think I can afford all of this..." he cried.

"If you're joining here then you can start a tab..." said Shiki with his mouth full of Dumplings.

Luffy nodded with his mouth full of meat.

Koby sweat dropped, "Uh... yeah..." he said.

Both were finally done... and Koby paid as much as he could as they were walking to the base Shiki said.

"So what does Roronoa Zoro..." said Shiki.

But then the whole jumped in fear at the very mention of his name.

"That was weird..." said Luffy.

"What were you saying?" asked Koby.

"Well what does he look like?" asked Shiki.

"Well Zoro..." said Koby.

The town jumped again...

"Maybe we shouldn't mention his name..." whispered Koby to the brothers.

"Yeah I guess..." said Shiki.

"Makes sense..." said Luffy.

Koby quickly changed the subject, "Well I heard Captain Morgan is the captain of this base..." said Koby.

Once again the entire town jumped...

"What's with them?" asked Shiki.

"I don't know..." said Luffy.

And so they made their way to the base... it was a very tall blue tower with tiger stripes.

"So are you going to join?" asked Luffy.

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