Chapter 45 (Little Garden Arc: Part 3)

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With Luffy's group, Luffy, Shiki, and Dorry (the giant they met) traded lunches and laughed like old friends, while Vivi sat off to the side.

Meanwhile, on another part of the island, those who were watching the ship were eating with Broggy. He offered a huge piece of dinosaur meat.

"There, eat up," said Broggy.

"I'm not hungry," said Nami and Usopp.

However, most of them were staring at the human bones nearby.

"Don't be shy, dinosaur meat is good," said Broggy.

"I'm sure he's trying to fatten us up," whispered Usopp.

"That's why I'm going to eat small amounts," whispered Nami.

Nami then sighed and decided to ask something, "How long does it take for the Log Pose to set?" she asked.

"One year," said Broggy.

This made Nami and Usopp dismayed.

"You should make yourselves comfortable," said Broggy.

Back at Dorry's place, Dorry was telling Luffy and Shii about the ways of the village.

All was well until Vivi yelled out, "Even if you do live that long, what's the point anymore? Wouldn't your passion for battle wane? Do you still want to kill each other?"

That's when a volcano erupted.

"Cool!" said Shiki.

"Wow, that mountain's erupting," said Luffy.

"Well, I better get going," said Dorry.

"Where are you going?" asked Shiki.

"Well, it was decided a long time ago that the eruption of that mountain would be a sign of battle," said Dorry.

"But," said Vivi.

"That's cool!" yelled Shiki.

They began to watch the fight, but both Luffy and Shiki collapsed.

"What's wrong?" asked Vivi.

"It's too big," said Luffy.

"Yeah," agreed Shiki.

Not too far away, with the group that didn't want to leave the ship in the first place, they were watching the fight from the other side. They watched as the giants fought; it was an amazing sight.

"I can't believe this fight! They attack with single blows to vital spots," exclaimed Usopp.

"And they've been fighting like this for 100 years," added Nami.

"Come on, Usopp," urged Nami, "We should really get out of here."

"They're fighting, and they don't even know why," pondered Usopp, recalling a conversation they had earlier. Broggy had mentioned to the group that they had forgotten the reason for their endless battle.

"This fight is a pain. Let's just go," suggested Nami.

"What do you know? This is a battle between real men!" retorted Usopp.

"Boys..." sighed Nami, shaking her head.

"It's like each of them has a flag on their chest that says 'warrior,' and those flags mean more to them than their very lives. They refuse to let those flags be torn off. They've been fighting for 100 years to protect their flags!" explained Usopp. "Don't you get it? It's a battle to the death between two true warriors."

"I don't really care about this stuff. It's more of a guy thing than anything else. So let's just leave!" insisted Nami.

"I'm going to stay here a little longer," declared Usopp.

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