Chapter 19 (Baratie Arc: Part 4)

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Everyone watched in anticipation, including Don Krieg and his crew. Hawk-eye drew... a small pocketknife.

"What's that for?" asked Zoro.

"Oh, I'm hunting rabbits with a cannon... You may have a reputation, but you're still a bunny," said Hawk-eye. "The Red Line and the Grand Line divide the sea into four quarters. The East Blue is the tamest of them all... Sorry, but this is all I've got."

"Wow, with that, I know Brother Zoro can beat him!" exclaimed Johnny.

"Don't be so sure..." cautioned Shiki.

Zoro prepared to use his attack, Oni Giri. However, Hawk-eye effortlessly blocked it with his knife.

"No way..." murmured Shiki.

"That's impossible... Brother's attack never fails..." added Johnny.

Everyone watched in shock as Hawk-eye blocked Zoro's swords with the tiny knife.

"This is unbelievable..." said Usopp.

"I know..." agreed Shiki.

Johnny and Yosaku were about to interfere, but Shiki managed to restrain Johnny, while Luffy held back Yosaku.

"Don't interfere," Shiki instructed, nodding a thank you to Luffy for his assistance.

As Zoro fought Hawk-eye, he couldn't help but reflect on various moments in his life, from conversations with Kuina to his first meetings with Johnny, Yosaku, Luffy, and Shiki... And one particular day...

Hawk-eye knocked Zoro to the ground, but he quickly rose to his feet. Just as he was about to unleash his attack, Tiger Trap, Hawk-eye stabbed him in the chest with his small knife.

"No way!" exclaimed Usopp.

"Brother!" cried Johnny and Yosaku.

"Zoro!" shouted Shiki.

After Zoro explained why he couldn't retreat despite the wound, stating that he would rather die than face defeat, Hawk-eye gained a newfound respect for him.

"Tell me... What is your name?" asked Hawk-eye.

"Roronoa Zoro!" replied Zoro.

"I'll remember it. It's been a while since I met someone so brave... I will honor the swordsman code and send you to your death with this black blade, the finest in the world," declared Hawk-eye as he drew his sword.

"Brother, please give up!" pleaded Johnny.

Zoro attempted to unleash his strongest attack, 3,000 Worlds, spinning his two swords in his hands. But before he could execute it, Hawk-eye slashed him, destroying the swords.

"Zoro!" shouted Shiki.

"It's over... I lost... I never foresaw this... That's the world's greatest for you..." thought Zoro.

He unsheathed his last sword, Kuina's sword, and turned, holding out his arms wide.

"What are you..." began Hawk-eye.

"Wounds on the back... are a swordsman's shame," said Zoro.

As Hawk-eye sliced Zoro's chest, the crew gasped in disbelief.

Zoro fell into the water, and Yosaku dove in after him. Luffy, thinking Zoro had died, stretched his arm to a nearby railing. Shiki climbed onto his brother's back.

"What the hell..." muttered Sanji.

"Luffy and Shiki both ate devil fruits... Luffy ate the Gum Gum Fruit and Shiki ate the Sage Sage Fruit," explained Usopp.

"Translation?" asked Sanji.

"Luffy's made of rubber, and Shiki's super strong," clarified Usopp.

Sanji was surprised but not entirely unfamiliar with Devil Fruits.

Luffy launched himself and Shiki towards Hawk-eye.

"Two of the swordsman's crewmates... You did well to allow him to fight on his own to the end," acknowledged Hawk-eye.

Hawk-eye dodged the brothers' attack at the perfect moment, causing Luffy and Shiki to have a rough landing. Luffy even got his head stuck in some wreckage.

Shiki managed to free his brother's head.

"Don't worry, you two... I left him alive," assured Hawk-eye.

Yosaku brought Zoro to the surface, and he was breathing heavily. They managed to get Zoro back to the boat.

"My name is Dracule Mihawk," Hawk-eye revealed his real name. "It's too soon for you to die, Zoro... Discover yourself, see the world, and grow strong. However long it may take, I will await you at the top. Strive with your whole heart and best this blade... Strive to surpass me, Roronoa Zoro!"

Mihawk then turned to the D Brothers.

"You two... what are your goals?" inquired Mihawk.

"To be King of the Pirates," declared Luffy.

"To be the world's strongest man," stated Shiki.

"Both of you face a precious path," observed Mihawk. "You, the younger one, face a path trying to surpass me..."

"I don't care! That's what I'm going to be!" interjected Luffy, sticking out his tongue defiantly.

"And you, I can just tell you are the older one. You seek an even greater goal. So be prepared for what lies ahead for you in the Grand Line," cautioned Mihawk, pointing his blade at Shiki.

"Whatever comes my way, I'll face it head-on. I don't fear what lies in the Grand Line," asserted Shiki, crossing his arms confidently. Mihawk smirked at his words.

"Hey! Is Zoro okay?" called out Shiki.

"He's alive, at least," reassured Usopp.

Both Johnny and Yosaku were in tears. Just then, Zoro raised his sword.

"Brother..." whispered Johnny.

"Luffy, can you hear me?" asked Zoro.

"I hear you!" yelled Luffy.

"Shiki, you can hear me," said Zoro.

"I'm right here... I haven't gone deaf, you know," smirked Shiki.

Zoro couldn't help but chuckle at his vice-captain.

"Were you disappointed if I fail to become the world's greatest swordsman? You'll be disappointed, right?" asked Zoro, coughing up blood.

"Save your breath!" yelled Yosaku.

"Never again!" declared Zoro. "I will never lose again! Not from now, until I become the world's greatest swordsman... I WILL NEVER LOSE AGAIN!"

Shiki smirked, while Luffy laughed.

"Gotta problem with that, King of the Pirates? Strongest Man?" teased Zoro.

"Not at all," replied Luffy.

"No, you're good," chuckled Shiki.

"They make a good team," remarked Mihawk. "I hope I encounter all of you one day again..."

Hawk-eye took his leave when Don Krieg fired on him. He used his sword to block the attack, which made the sea wild once again. Luffy and Shiki managed to get back on the Baratie, clinging to the railing.

"Usopp, set sail!" ordered Luffy to those still in the boat.

"Right... we'll go after Nami... and when we come back, we'll set sail to the Grand Line when everyone's together," yelled Usopp, throwing Luffy's hat to him, which fell off when he and Shiki catapulted to Mihawk.

The D Brothers got ready for a fight, as Zoro, Usopp, Johnny, and Yosaku sailed away after Nami.

"Here they come, bro," said Shiki.

"Hey old man... If me and my brother scare away the pirates, then can I stop being the Chore Boy?" asked Luffy to Zeff.

Zeff nodded and began to think about it.

Sanji let out a heavy sigh... it looked like that was going to happen...

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