Chapter 62 (Lightning Scroll Arc: Part 3)

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In town, the Straw Hats were busy aiding the locals. Usopp focused on rebuilding houses, Chopper attended to the sick and injured, while Nami conversed with the elderly mayor of the town.

"We can't thank you enough for what you've done," the mayor expressed gratefully.

"I imagine supplies are scarce after such an attack," Nami replied, sighing.

"You're mistaken," chuckled the mayor, leading Nami to a hidden storage space filled with food.

"We've adapted to life on the Grand Line by preparing secret food reserves across the island in case of pirate raids. It's a necessity for a small town like ours," the mayor explained. "Please, take as much as you need. It's our token of gratitude."

"Thank you so much," Nami said sincerely, relieved that they didn't have to worry about expenses while helping.

"You're crew is doing a fine job rebuilding and dealing with those troublemakers," the mayor added, nodding in approval.

Meanwhile, Shiki's clone and Luffy continued their confrontation with Sakon.

"Where's the real one hiding?" Shiki demanded, scanning the surroundings.

"I have no idea!" Luffy shouted out, frustration evident. "Show yourself, you coward!"

Sakon emerged from the bushes with a smirk. "So, you found me," he taunted.

"You're going to regret attacking us!" Shiki declared, pointing at Sakon.

While Luffy was distracted, Shiki noticed something peculiar. "Wait a second, something's not right about him," he thought, narrowing his eyes.

"What's so funny?" Luffy chimed in, noticing Shiki's expression. "He's wearing lipstick!"

Shiki burst out laughing uncontrollably. "It's true! At least it's less scary than purple nail polish!"

"Quiet down, you fools!" Sakon snapped angrily, glaring at them.

Shiki managed to compose himself. "Okay, okay, I'm done," he chuckled, wiping away a tear.

As Shiki observed Sakon further, he noticed another anomaly. "His second head is missing!" he exclaimed.

"And his brother just jumped in," Luffy added, pointing out Ukon who appeared with knives in hand.

Shiki reacted swiftly, turning around and punching the assailant, revealing it to be a clone of Sakon.

"So, you can use clones too," Shiki remarked with a smirk.

"We're not just clone users," the Sakon clone responded, his voice deeper. "I am Ukon, Sakon's brother."

"Do you need to rest, brother?" Sakon asked, leaping over Shiki and Luffy to stand beside Ukon.

In a bizarre twist, Ukon and Sakon merged into a single entity right before their eyes, with Ukon's head reappearing from behind Sakon's neck.

"What in the world..." Shiki muttered, taken aback.

"That's just plain creepy," Luffy commented, sticking out his tongue in disgust.

"One of you must have eaten a Devil Fruit, right?" Shiki asked incredulously.

"No, neither of us has," Sakon replied calmly.

Both Luffy and Shiki were stunned. They couldn't comprehend how this merging was possible without a Devil Fruit power.

"Then how are you doing this?" Shiki demanded, determined to unravel the mystery.

"I don't fully understand it myself... all I know is we have the ability to merge with each other," Sakon explained calmly.

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