Chapter 50 (Little Garden Arc: Part 8)

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The crew, minus Sanji, gathered at the caves, or whatever the hell they were, with the two Giants.

"You little people saved our lives," said Broggy.

"I completely forgot we had a bounty on our heads," said Dorry with a laugh.

"Sorry, it was all my fault they came here," said Vivi.

That's when Nami lightly flicked her forehead.

"Ow!" said Vivi, rubbing the spot.

"You need to relax about it. Don't worry, no one's mad at you," said Nami.

"Just relax," said Shiki, while Luffy, Carue, and Usopp were all munching on rice crackers.

"Where did you get those?" asked Nami, with a sweat drop.

"Carue stole them after he ate Ms. Golden Week," said Shiki.

"See, no one's mad at you," said Nami.

Vivi smiled as the rice cracker munchers started acting silly... it's best not to know what's going on.

"It takes a year for the Log Pose to reset," said Zoro, leaning against a tree. "Right now, we need to figure out what to do."

"We're in real trouble," sighed Nami.

"Can you help us, Giants?" asked Luffy cheerfully.

"Even we can't control the Log Poses," said Dorry.

"Vivi! Nami!" yelled Sanji. "It's good to see you guys safe!"

"Oi, Sanji, where were you when we needed you!" yelled Shiki.

Sanji ignored him and saw one of the Giants. "Are you Mr. 3?" he yelled in shock.

"You know about Mr. 3?" asked Nami.

"Oh, Nami!" cried Sanji in joy, seeing that she currently lacked a shirt.

Sanji told them about what happened, about the report he gave.

"So you spoke to Mr. 0?" asked Vivi.

"And I told him I killed you all," said Sanji.

"That's great! They're off our trail!" yelled Usopp.

"Yeah, but we're still stuck on this island," said Shiki.

"We're stuck on this island? What's here to keep us here now that we have this?" asked Sanji, holding up the Eternal Pose.

Everyone began to gape at him.

"What is it?" asked Sanji, with a sweat drop.

That's when everyone happily cheered.

"Oh, thank you, Sanji!" said Vivi, hugging him.

"Oh, Vivi!" said Sanji, happily.

"I wouldn't encourage him if I were you," said Usopp, with a sweat drop.

"All right! Rice cracker party!" cheered Luffy.

"We only have three left," said Usopp.

"You didn't forget the hunting challenge, did you?" asked Sanji, with a smirk.

"Of course not! I got this really big rhino!" said Zoro.

"Are you sure it's a rhino…" said Usopp, with a sweat drop.

It was that conversation that sparked something in the memories of the giants.

"Well, we have to go," said Luffy.

"You sure seem like you're in a hurry," said Broggy.

"It's sad to see you go," said Dorry. "But go to save your kingdom."

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