Chapter 54 (Drum Island Arc: Part 4)

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Down the mountain, the other group managed to get out of the snow, except for Vivi, who was conscious and trying to wake up Usopp.

When Usopp didn't wake up, Vivi beat the shit out of him to wake him up.

Shortly after the beating, Usopp woke up, but with an extremely swollen face.

"Thanks, Vivi, you really saved me," said Usopp, patting his extremely swollen face. "Is my face swollen?"

"No, Usopp, it looks fine," said Vivi with a sweat drop, feeling a bit bad for the long-nosed teen.

That's when something emerged from the snow. It was muscular and had green hair—Zoro. When he came out of the snow, he shocked them.

"Hey, guys," said Zoro, though it took him a minute to recognize Usopp due to his swollen head.

"I knew it was a bad idea to leave him in charge of the ship," Usopp muttered softly.

Apparently, Zoro went for a midwinter swim, saw a fish, chased it, and ended up on the wrong side of the river, winding up in the middle of the woods.

Zoro heard Usopp's comment but didn't respond, already asking Usopp (whose head was back to normal size) for some clothes.

"No!" yelled Usopp.

"Boys are stupid," muttered Vivi.

"Hey, look!" said Usopp, pointing to what looked like a village.

"It's Bighorn," said Vivi.

They walked up to a group of people.

"What's going on?" asked Zoro.

"What the hell..." muttered one of the villagers, looking at Zoro. Seeing a half-naked guy in the snow would make anyone say that.

"The avalanche buried Mr. Dalton!" said someone else to the group.

"What, Dalton!" said the villagers.

To catch up, Dalton tried to fight off Wapol and his men. Things did not turn out well. In the fight, Dalton was hit by three arrows and then the avalanche hit. Wapol's men were keeping him away from where Dalton was buried, preventing anyone from attempting to dig him out.

"I've seen those uniforms before, haven't I?" asked Zoro.

"Yeah, it's those guys who attacked us yesterday," said Usopp.

"So they're our enemies," said Zoro with a smirk.

Zoro ran towards one of them, about his size, and punched him in the face. Why the size was important may cause one to wonder. The reason: he stole his clothes.

"You just wanted his clothes?" yelled the townspeople.

Meanwhile, at the castle, Nami woke up and was staring at the teddy bear-like reindeer talking. She quickly forgot about it when she heard, "Nami! You're awake!"

Dr. Kureha entered the room.

"Um, hello," said Nami. "Where are the others who came up here with me?"

Kureha's face turned grim. "The red vest one (Luffy) and the blonde (Sanji) were injured on the way. The blonde suffered some broken bones while the red vest almost had hypothermia," said Dr. Kureha.

"What about Shiki?" asked Nami.

Dr. Kureha sweat-dropped. "Him... he's fine," said Dr. Kureha. "He might have some injuries related to the climb."

"What do you mean?" asked Nami, blinking.

Just then, Shiki flew into the room and crashed into one of the stone walls. Rumi entered the room after him.

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