Chapter 61 (Lightning Scroll Arc: Part 2)

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The group of four prepared to depart, with Nami issuing stern instructions about their return time.

"You guys better get here by sunset or you'll know what I'll do," Nami warned.

Luffy nodded anxiously, Zoro grumbled under his breath, and Shiki simply stared at Nami. She playfully poked his chest with a small glare.

"You and I will have our talk later, okay?" Nami said, her expression softening slightly.

Shiki nodded enthusiastically, saluting with a grin. "Yes, ma'am!"

Nami gave a small smile, nodding in acknowledgment, and then left. The quartet set off to search for the scroll within the island's forest, while the rest of the crew stayed to assist the townspeople.

"So, Misaki, do you know who we'll be facing?" Shiki inquired.

"Probably the Elite 5," Misaki replied.

"The Elite 5?" Luffy echoed.

"Yeah, Orochi's top agents: a guy who can control his bones, a two-headed freak, a fat man, a red-headed woman who swears more than a pirate and a sailor combined, and Spider-Man," Misaki listed off casually.

"You never bothered learning their names, did you?" Zoro asked with a wry grin.

"Nope, not at all," Misaki admitted with a shake of her head, earning a collective sweatdrop from the group.

"Anyway, the mayor told me they managed to get the information on where the scroll is sealed by threatening to kill everyone in town but himself," Misaki continued.

"That's horrible..." Shiki muttered, his expression darkening.

"I know. Anyway, the scroll is in a cave in the middle of the island. All we have to do is use this map, get it, and keep it safe from Orochi," Misaki explained, taking out a map.

"All right! That sounds like fun!" Luffy cheered enthusiastically.

"Either way," Misaki added, "they didn't get the map to the cave, so they're still searching."

Suddenly, the four people who had been observing them jumped out of the trees, surrounding the group.

"Yamamoto Misaki... it's been a long time," one of them with long white hair greeted.

"Well, it has," Misaki replied with a smirk.

"You still don't know our names, do you?" the fat one asked.

"Nope," Misaki admitted casually.

"We might as well introduce ourselves, considering your little friends," another one chimed in, the one with extra pairs of arms and spiky hair.

"Cool! You have extra arms!" Luffy exclaimed with genuine interest.

"Are they real?" Shiki asked curiously.

"They're the enemy, you idiots!" Misaki scolded, her patience wearing thin.

"Anyway, the name's Kidomaru," the one with extra arms introduced himself.

"Jirobo," the fat one followed.

"And I'm Sakon," the one with an extra head from the back of his neck introduced himself, showing off his distinctive appearance.

"And I'm Kimimaro, the leader," the one with white hair declared.

"Where's the red-haired woman?" Misaki asked bluntly.

"Oh, Tayuya... she's on a very special long-term mission," Kimimaro explained. "I would have gladly gone, but a woman was needed."

"Good to know," Misaki muttered sarcastically. She turned to Shiki with a quick plan in mind.

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