Chapter 33 (Loguetown Arc: Part 1)

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The crew had arrived in Loguetown...

"This is where the Age of Pirates began! I've always wanted to visit here!" exclaimed Luffy.

"Race you to the execution scaffolding!" challenged Shiki.

"You're on!" agreed Luffy.

"Wait, Shiki!" Nami tried to stop the older D brother, but he didn't hear her. She dropped her head in disappointment, missing the chance to say thank you.

The two dashed off, leaving everyone else to sweatdrop in amusement.

"There's something I want to buy," mentioned Zoro.

At the mention of money, Nami perked up with dollar signs in her eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll lend you the money at 300 percent interest," Nami offered.

Zoro immediately sweatdropped.

"This witch is just evil," he thought to himself.

Zoro accepted the offer and then walked off, with everyone else dispersing in their own directions.

Meanwhile, with Shiki and Luffy, the two raced on.

"I'm going to make it first!" declared Shiki.

"Oh no you're not!" retorted Luffy.

The two were neck and neck, neither giving in.

Meanwhile, with Zoro...

While he was looking for the weapons shop, he saw two rather big, ugly men about to fight against a woman. Zoro was about to draw his sword when the woman managed to take out the two men with no problem. Zoro sweat dropped, and that's when the woman tripped and dropped her glasses, causing the former bounty hunter to sweat drop as well. The woman began to look for her glasses, which Zoro picked up.

"Do these belong to you?" he asked.

The woman took the glasses and replied, "Thank you..."

Zoro stared at the woman, for she looked exactly like Kuina, his late rival.

At that moment, on an unknown island in an unknown location, Mihawk landed, causing many of the pirates to stand in shock. One of the pirates went to tell their captain, who Mihawk was there to see.

"I'm in a bad mood... are you here to challenge me?" asked the captain.

"I don't challenge one-armed has-beens," said Mihawk. "I ran into two interesting pirates that reminded me of a story you told me long ago, about two boys in some village."

Mihawk took out Shiki and Luffy's wanted posters and gave them to the captain, who shouted, "What! No way!" surprising everyone else.

The captain smiled, for this captain was Shanks.

"So you're here... Shiki... Luffy," said Shanks.

And so they began to party, despite the fact that Shanks had a hangover.

Meanwhile, in Fuchsia Village, Shiki and Luffy's hometown, at the tavern, it was a big celebration.

"I can't believe those D Brothers are famous!" said a random townsfolk.

"Two celebrities! Whoo!" cheered another.

"Shut up! What's so great about having two criminals?" said the Mayor walking in.

"Oh man! It's the mayor," said one of the townsfolk.

Emiko laughed, "They look so happy in the pictures," she said.

"So what if a pirate is a pirate," said the mayor.

"But they're following their dreams," said Makino.

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