Chapter 38

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The two individuals who attempted to harm Laboon were tied up on the mock island while the Straw Hats conversed with Crocus about Laboon, the whale they currently found themselves within...well, sort of.

"So why did these guys go after this whale?" asked Shiki, prodding the two with a stick.

"Give me that!" said Sanji, snatching the stick away.

"Laboon is a species known as an island whale, unique to the West Blue. It's the largest whale in the world," explained Crocus. "Those creeps are after Laboon's whale meat. With it, they could feed their village for two or three years."

Shiki whistled in disbelief.

"No way! That meat won't last that long," remarked Luffy.

Everyone chose to overlook Luffy's comment and the grim implications it carried.

"But I won't let them do that. There's a reason why Laboon keeps banging his head against the Red Line and crying out," continued Crocus.

Crocus proceeded to recount the tale of Laboon, who befriended a friendly pirate crew. When the crew departed, they promised to return, but years passed, and Laboon still awaited their return.

Soon, they reached the waterway exit.

"This is so cool!" exclaimed Luffy.

"I can't believe you were able to do this," said Nami. "You must have a deep understanding of anatomy to achieve this without harming Laboon or yourself."

"That's correct," affirmed Crocus. "Despite my appearance, I'm a physician. I used to run a clinic at the cape, and I even served as a ship's doctor."

"Why do you live inside Laboon?" inquired Nami.

"It's likely due to his size," remarked Zoro.

"He's right," confirmed Crocus as they approached the doorway and began opening the doors. "When they grow this big, it's impossible to treat them outside."

As they exited the whale, Luffy cheered for the real sky, and Shiki rejoiced at being free from the whale.

"What should we do with those two?" asked Usopp, pointing to the pair who attempted to harm Laboon.

"Let's just toss them overboard," suggested Zoro.

And so they did. After awakening, the two threatened Laboon and the Straw Hats before swimming away.

"So her name is Miss Wednesday... a woman of mystery!" said Sanji, infatuated.

Luffy picked up something from the deck, catching Shiki's attention.

"I think they dropped this," said Luffy.

"Luffy... I think we should keep it, just in case," suggested Shiki.

"Okay, then you hold onto it, Shiki," said Luffy, tossing the object to Shiki, who caught it.

Later, they sat by the lighthouse at a wooden table, still discussing Laboon.

"So it's been 50 years," observed Shiki.

"Those pirates kept him waiting for a long time," remarked Luffy.

"What do you expect... it's the Grand Line," commented Sanji. "They promised to return in a couple of years, but it's been years. They're likely dead!"

"Isn't that a little harsh?" protested Nami.

"They might still be alive!" exclaimed Usopp.

"I'm afraid the truth is harsher than fiction," said Crocus.

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