Chapter 15

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The crew was eating lunch in the restaurant after resting up from their fight... correction, Luffy was resting up from his fight, Shiki, thanks to the fact that he has healing powers from the devil fruit and the fact that most everyone else... did nothing... did help a bit right before the others showed up but other than that, the others did nothing...

"Oh, here you are..." said a voice.

The voice belonged to Kaya.

"Kaya... what are you doing out of bed?" asked Nami.

"Well... I'm feeling a lot better... my sickness was caused by the shock of my parents' death and thanks to Usopp I'm a lot better... is it true that you're still looking for a boat?" asked Kaya.

"Yeah..." said Luffy.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in town, Usopp had called a meeting for his pirate crew.

"I have an announcement to make..." said Usopp.

"Are you finally going to ask out Kaya?" asked all 3 boys.

"For the last time, I don't like her like that!" said Usopp.

"Riiiight..." said Pepper, speaking for all of them.

"Now, as I was saying..." said Usopp, "I have decided to go to sea alone..."

"Why?" asked Onion.

"I want to follow my dream of being a real pirate..." said Usopp, "4 years ago, we formed our pirate brotherhood... and since all of us had such great adventures... but now it's time for me to have real adventures... those 4 inspired me to follow my dream..."

The wind blew almost dramatically. All 4 of them began to cry...

"Now, what are your dreams?" said Usopp.

"I want to be a novelist..." said Onion.

"I want to be a tavern owner..." said Carrot.

"I want to be a carpenter..." said Pepper.

"All of them are good dreams... keep them alive," said Usopp, "Now I declare the Usopp pirates disbanded..."

Usopp quickly headed for his house and began to pack.

Usopp had packed everything in that house that wasn't even necessary to pack... the backpack he had on was the size of a boulder... it was doubtful that it would get it outside the house... then his backpack got stuck in the doorway. He then pulled with all of his might...and managed to get it through at the cost of breaking the doorway, but... the backpack began to roll down the hill...

"Oh man..." screamed Usopp, rolling non-stop down the hill.

Meanwhile, at the slope... Kaya and her butler Merry were showing the crew something.

"You're really giving this to us!" said Luffy and Shiki.

A ship was docked there... it was small compared to most ships, but it was just enough, the figurehead was a ram and it was a caravel.

"I designed it myself... this is the Going Merry..." said Merry... who kind of looked like a ram himself.

"I can see where the design for the figurehead came from..." said Nami snickering a bit.

"The way to steer this..." said Merry to Shiki and Luffy.

"Um... maybe you should tell me..." said Nami with a sweat drop.

"I also stocked it with supplies..." said Kaya.

"Wow Kaya, you added insult to injury..." said Luffy.

"Try "adding icing to the cake"..." said Shiki.

"That too..." said Luffy.

Just then, Usopp, still attached to his backpack, came tumbling in.

"Usopp..." said Kaya.

Right before he could crash into the Going Merry, Shiki and Zoro managed to stop him by kicking him in the face... they didn't mean to kick him in the face... it just ended up that way.

"Thanks..." said Usopp, with their feet in his face.

After moving all that needed to be moved onto the Going Merry, Kaya and Usopp said their goodbyes.

"So you're really going..." said Kaya.

"Yes... I'm going to follow in the footsteps of my father... and become a pirate..." said Usopp.

"Oh..." said Kaya, who seemed a little sad.

"But I promise I will return... and when I do I will have many more stories, but this time for real!" said Usopp.

Kaya gave a smile.

"Unless he somehow warps them into strange lies..." said Shiki.

Usopp sweat dropped... why would he need to warp his stories into strange lies.

"So Usopp, when are you going to tell Kaya you like her?" says Shiki casually from the ship. He knew Usopp liked the girl.

"Hey, I don't like her in that way!" yelled Usopp.

"Wow, you're in denial..." said Shiki.

Kaya blushed slightly... she also giggled for a bit.

"I will miss you..." said Kaya softly.

Usopp turned to the crew who hadn't left yet. "You know... Luffy... maybe we'll cross paths one day..."

"What do you mean?" asked Shiki.

"You are coming with us, right?" asked Luffy.

Usopp didn't know how to react, he jumped happily...

"Just call me captain!" yelled Usopp.

"Hey, I'm the captain!" yelled Luffy.

And so they sailed away now with a ship and a new crew member... heading towards adventure and hopefully the Grand Line... but they needed one more thing first...

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