Chapter 2

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The D brothers, in their tiny and exceedingly economical raft, drifted under the shining sun with seagulls cawing overhead.

"Who would've thought this adventure would end so fast?" remarked Shiki nonchalantly.

"Yeah, it's a shame," echoed Luffy.

As they were being inexorably pulled into a swirling whirlpool toward their imminent peril...

"It's too bad we can't swim," lamented Luffy.

"But even if we could, drowning would still be our end bro," added Shiki.

"Oh, right," Luffy acknowledged with a chuckle, both brothers sharing a laugh as their dingy was sucked into the vortex.

Hours later, Koby, the cabin boy for Alvida's pirate crew, was heaving a heavy barrel he stumbled upon. Curious about its contents, his crewmates speculated it might be filled with booze.

"I found this barrel," Koby informed the crew, to which they eagerly carried it into a small house on Alvida's island.

"What if Lady Alvida finds out?" Koby worriedly inquired.

"She'll never know," reassured one crewmember.

Prepared to crack it open, the crew were startled when the barrel unexpectedly burst open, propelling the D brothers out, yawning as if awakening from a deep slumber.

"That was a good nap," commented Shiki.

"How on earth did we end up in this barrel?" pondered Luffy.

"Hey!" shouted one of the crewmembers, ready to attack the brothers.

Both assailants lunged, but before any clash could occur, Koby witnessed both men unconscious on the ground.

"What just happened?" inquired Luffy.

"No idea," Shiki shrugged.

"We should find something to eat," proposed Luffy casually.

"Man, I'm starving!" declared Shiki as he stretched and emerged from the barrel.

Exiting the house, Koby followed in pursuit. "Wait!" he called out.

"Huh, who are you?" inquired Shiki.

"I'm Koby. How did you end up in that barrel?" asked Koby, puzzled.

Both Luffy and Shiki shrugged. "We don't know," they chimed in unison.

"And who are you?" Koby inquired further.

"I'm Monkey D. Shiki," declared Shiki.

"I'm Monkey D. Luffy," introduced Luffy.

"And we're pirates!" they announced simultaneously.

"Oh...really," replied Koby, somewhat surprised.

"Do you know where we can find some meat? We're starving," asked Luffy, clutching his growling stomach.

"Sorry, I don't know," responded Koby.

"Too bad," sighed Luffy, disappointed.

Realizing their lack of familiarity with the location, Shiki spoke up, "Where exactly are we?"

"This is Alvida's base... she's the Lady Pirate around here," disclosed Koby.

"So, you're a pirate too," observed Luffy.

"No, I'm not," denied Koby.

"Then you're a prisoner," assumed Shiki.

"Sort of... It all started two years ago when I was out fishing and mistakenly boarded the wrong boat. Since then, Alvida spared my life by appointing me her cabin boy," Koby explained.

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