Chapter 16 (Baratie Arc: Part 1)

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Luffy had just finished drawing the flag... it was decided, as Luffy was the official captain, that it would be his design. It was a traditional Jolly Roger but with a straw hat... sadly, well... when he showed the flag... it was kind of...

"Uhhh..." said Zoro.

"Um..." said Nami.

"Well...." said Usopp.

It was extremely poorly drawn, looked worse than what a 5-year-old would do...

"It's awesome, good job bro!" says Shiki with a grin.

"Really?!" says Luffy.

Shiki nods.

"No, it's not! That drawing is terrible!" yells Nami and then pulls Shiki's cheek, "And don't you go and tell him things you don't mean!" lectured Nami.

"I mean it, it's good," says Shiki.

"Luffy... you draw worse than a 5-year-old..." said Zoro, sighing.

"Let me draw the flag..." said Usopp... he, however, drew his own flag with a skull with his long nose and one of the crossbones replaced with a slingshot...

"That's not our emblem!" said Luffy and Shiki, hitting Usopp on the head.

After drawing the real flag and also drawing the emblem on the sail, most everyone was pooped... except for the D Brothers, of course...

There was an explosion... followed by another.

"What are you guys doing over there?" asked Nami.

"We're testing the cannon but it's not working..." said Luffy.

"We're trying to shoot that island but the cannon won't shoot right?" said Shiki.

"Maybe because you two don't have good aim..." said Nami, who slapped her forehead.

"Let me try!" said Usopp, getting up.

He adjusted the cannon and it shot at the small island... it hit and was destroyed.

"Awesome!" cheered Luffy.

"You hit it!" said Shiki.

"I did?" said Usopp, slightly surprised, "Then again I'm an ace when it comes to shooting... just call me captain..."

"No... I'll call you our sharpshooter..." said Luffy.

Later, there was a meeting in the galley.

"Well if anything happens to you, Luffy... I will gladly take over as captain..." said Usopp.

"Sorry, already taken..." said Shiki.

"What?" asked Usopp.

"You wouldn't think that Luffy already thought of that... Shiki is his brother and helped found this crew..." said Nami.

"Okay... I'm after Shiki then..." said Usopp.

"So captain...vice-captain... what's our crew's name?" asked Nami.

"We are known as the Straw Hat Pirates!" said Luffy.

"Straw Hats for short..." said Shiki.

"Anyways, before we head to the Grand Line, we should get one more crew member..." said Nami.

"Yeah... a musician..." said Shiki.

"That's what I was thinking..." said Luffy.

Then there was a loud crash...

"Come out here, pirate scum!" yelled a voice.

"I'm going to see who it is..." said Luffy.

After about a minute, Zoro and Shiki went to check on what was going on outside. Luffy had just thrown a man with black hair wearing sunglasses with the kanji for "sea" on one of his cheeks into a nearby wall... Zoro recognized him.

"Johnny, is that you?" asked Zoro.

"Brother Zoro? What are you doing on a pirate ship?" asked the man, apparently named Johnny.

"Brother?" asked Shiki.

"It's a habit of his..." said Zoro.

"Oh..." said Shiki.

"What's going on? Where's Yosaku?" asked Zoro.

"It's terrible... he's dying," said Johnny.

Johnny brought another man on board, he was bleeding and looked very sick.

"He was fine until a week ago then suddenly he got sick, he began to bleed from old scars and his hair began to fall out..." cried Johnny, "And then one of you shot a cannon at us when we were taking a rest on the rock..."

Shiki, Usopp, and Luffy gasped.

"Sorry..." they said all three, bowing.

Nami cleared her throat... "I know what this might be..." she said, "Get limes from the galley and juice them..." said Nami to the three that destroyed the rock.

After doing so, they gave the man named Yosaku the juice.

"It's scurvy... caused from a lack of vitamin C...that's all he needs," said Nami, "Fruits and vegetables tend to rot on long voyages, a century ago it was the bane for all seafarers..." said Nami.

"Wow, that's smart..." said Luffy.

"It's something everyone should know!" yelled Nami.

"Hehe...Idiots," chuckled Usopp, who was knocked to the ground by Luffy and Shiki.

Both Johnny and Yosaku began to dance around.

"I've been cured... I've been cured!" said Yosaku.

"Don't dance around!" yelled Nami.

"Introduction time!" said Johnny. "I'm Johnny."

"And I'm Yosaku... we are former bounty hunting partners to Brother Zoro..." said Yosaku.

"They're just some guys who hung out with me..." admitted Zoro.

"Thank you for helping me... I thought I was a goner for sure..." said Yosaku.

"We still can't believe you two are pirates..." said Johnny.

Just then, Yosaku collapsed... with blood coming from his mouth... he still hadn't completely healed.

"I told you not to dance around..." said Nami.

"Those guys are weirdoes," muttered Usopp, staring at them from the floor with a bump on his head.

"So did anyone learn anything?" asked Nami.

"That we shouldn't sit on rocks in the middle of the sea with no food?" asked Shiki.

Everyone stared at Shiki.

"What?" asked Shiki.

"Nothing," replied the crew except for Luffy.

"Well, we do need one more thing ... someone who can cook..." said Nami.

Shiki raised his hand.

"Other than dumplings..." said Nami.

Luffy was about to say something.

"Or meat..." said Nami, massaging her temple.

"Brother!" said Johnny, raising his hand.

"What?" asked Zoro.

"I know of a place where you can find a cook... but I'm not sure whether or not he'll join..." said Johnny.

"Where is it?" asked Shiki.

"You're just hungry..." said Usopp.

"So what if I am?" said Shiki.

"It's not too far away... should be two or three days sailing, but it's said that they have some pretty rough customers and that it's near the Grand Line..." said Johnny.

"All right!" cheered Luffy and Shiki.

"Brother Zoro... they say that Mihawk also comes by..." said Johnny.

Zoro was surprised.

And so they sailed to the ocean-going restaurant... hoping to find a chef who will agree to cook for Luffy and Shiki...

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