Chapter 13 (Syrup Village Arc: Part 4)

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Shiki, Luffy, and Zoro charged at the pirate group. The pirates rushed towards them with swords and guns, but were quickly defeated one by one.

Zoro sliced through three pirates, but four more approached him. He wielded two blades, spinning with his swords outstretched and yelled, "Tatsu Maki!" creating a whirlwind attack that sliced up the four pirates.

Meanwhile, Luffy engaged the pirates using his signature move, "Gum Gum Pistol." When one pirate shot multiple bullets at him, Luffy used "Gum Gum Balloon" to deflect the bullets back at the shooter.

Shiki dashed towards Kuro's ship, swiftly defeating a majority of his crew with his martial arts. As Seth fought off the remaining pirates at the ship, five pirates surrounded him. Smirking, Seth's right leg ignited in flames as he delivered a powerful whipping kick, knocking all of them down while declaring, "Blaze Whip."

Nami and Usopp arrived at the scene, witnessing Luffy, Shiki, and Zoro effortlessly taking on Kuro's entire crew.

"Did they really do all of this? They must be monsters!" exclaimed Usopp, shocked by the trio's prowess.

Nami stood in disbelief, struggling to comprehend the unfolding events.

After Shiki dispatched the five pirates, he sensed more pirates approaching from behind, their weapons trembling in their hands as they remained under the effects of hypnosis.

"I almost forgot about you," Shiki remarked, turning to face the hypnotized pirates, who began to snap out of their trance, fear evident in their expressions.

Shiki unleashed his Blaze Machine Gun, encasing his fists in flames as he pummeled the remaining pirates, resembling a gatling gun with fire. Meanwhile, Zoro sliced through the pirates with ease, while Luffy continued to overwhelm them with his kicks.

"Don't just stand there, attack him!" ordered Jango, earning fearful nods from the pirates.

Despite Jango's command, the pirates were once again subdued by the trio.

"At least they're alright," Shiki commented, feeling relieved that the pirates hadn't sustained serious injuries due to their lack of control.

"You sure you want that?" Jango questioned, annoyed.

"Of course, Mushroom Breath," Shiki retorted.

Jango begrudgingly instructed, "Fine then, Siam, Butchie... get down here now."

Meanwhile, in town, Carrot was half asleep.

"Hey, wake up!" yelled Pepper.

"Sorry... I'm usually asleep at this time," muttered Carrot.

"We have to figure out how we can help... even though we said we wouldn't," Pepper reminded him.

"Right," Carrot agreed with a yawn.

"Is that Miss Kaya?" Onion pointed out.

They all saw Kaya, who had left her mansion after finding Merry severely injured. Kuro had nearly killed him after revealing the truth to Kaya. Finding out that all other servants had the day off, Kaya decided to search for Kuro to hand over her fortune. Despite her difficulty walking, she persisted on.

Back at the slope, Shiki stood there impatiently with his arms crossed. "Come on, Mushroom Breath, I haven't got all day, you know?"

"Don't be so impatient, kid! Meowban Brothers! Come now!" Jango commanded.

Two men dressed like cats jumped down from the ship.

"What is it?" asked the skinny one with green hair named Siam.

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