Chapter 17 (Baratie Arc: Part 2)

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After a few days of sailing, they finally found the place that Johnny and Yosaku were telling them about. It was a ship that, well, looked like a floating restaurant... the bow looked like a fish and the name could be seen... The Baratie.

"Brother Luffy, Brother Shiki, Brother Zoro, Brother Usopp, and Sister Nami, there it is!" said Yosaku.

"Do they have to call me 'sister'?" asked Nami.

"There it is..." said Johnny.

"Finally... we might be able to get real food..." said Nami.

"What do you mean real food... dumplings are real food..." said Shiki.

"We've been eating it for the past two days... we need something other than dumplings and meat..." said Nami.

"Shiki... what's with your eating habits?" asked Usopp.

"Do you want a punch?" asked Shiki, raising his fist.

"Oh...Looks like we have company..." said Usopp trying to change the subject.

It was true, there was a Marine Ship.

A Marine appeared on the deck of the Marine ship, he appeared to be an officer.

"So, a pirate ship... I'm Lieutenant Fullbody... who are you... who is your captain?" he asked, he had scars, pink hair, and one of his fists had what looked like a weird brass knuckle.

"I am Monkey D. Luffy!" said Luffy.

"I'm Monkey D. Shiki," stated Shiki.

"I have never heard of you..." said Fullbody.

"We just made our flag a few days ago..." said Luffy.

"Just a few days ago..." said Yosaku.

"You guys are just amateurs..." said Fullbody.

"I know you're Johnny and Yosaku, the two-bit bounty hunters... I'm not surprised you were captured by these pirates..." said Fullbody.

"I believe we were just insulted..." said Johnny.

"We will defend our honor..." said Yosaku.

Both drew their swords, ready to fight him...

Five seconds later...

Both were laying on the Going Merry's deck, swollen, bloody, and beaten up. Wanted posters surrounded them.

"Man, you guys are weak..." said Shiki.

Nami went over to them to help clean up and bandage them. Nami then picked up a wanted poster and seemed to freeze up.

"Nami, what is it?" asked Shiki, noticing Nami freeze up.

Nami tried to play it off, "Nothing. I just remembered something, that's all." She hid the wanted poster behind her back.

"Okay then if you say so," said Shiki, still a bit worried but then turned his attention back to what was currently happening.

"Oh, Fullbody, come on!" said a woman's voice on the marine ship.

"I'll be right there..." said Fullbody, "Your luck that this is my day off... otherwise I would have made you pay... but next time you won't be so lucky..."

"Everyone be on guard, I'm sure something will happen at any time..." said Shiki.

The crew nodded in unison as they witnessed the unfolding events.

Suddenly, Fullbody's ship fired a cannon, prompting immediate concern among the crew.

"Uh-oh..." muttered Usopp, sensing trouble.

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