Chapter 27 (Cocoyashi Arc: Part 2)

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Zoro managed to get to Cocoyashi Village after tricking an idiot octopus-like Fishman named Hatchi to give him a ride. If Hatchi knew he had badly injured all of Arlong's crew members left behind, he would have been in trouble. Now he had to look for Usopp and maybe Johnny, who was still missing after all.

Meanwhile, in Arlong Park, Arlong found his men injured and sprawled all over the place thanks to Zoro. A living Fishman told Arlong that their captive was indeed Zoro the Pirate Hunter. That's when a Fishman with Usopp captive showed up.

"So, does this mean that the one who helped Zoro was you?" said Arlong.

Usopp sweat dropped, "No, I'm just a friend... honestly, haven't you heard the stories?" said Usopp.

"I see," said Arlong. "No matter."

Usopp began to shake, especially when Arlong placed a dagger at his neck, and in the presence of Nami no less.

Meanwhile, the ones on the way managed to make Momoo pull them there like a horse would a carriage.

Back at Arlong Park, they were questioning Nami's loyalty, especially after letting Zoro, who people still thought was a bounty hunter, go after Arlong's head. Of course, she managed to get them back on her side, but she still felt bad for Usopp.

"The bounty on my head is 20,000,000 Berries, the biggest in the East Blue... any bounty hunter would go after my head. Tell me where Zoro is now!" said Arlong as he placed the dagger to Usopp's neck.

"I don't know where he is!" yelled Usopp.

"Don't lie... we know you're after Lord Arlong's head too... you're beyond saving now anyways," said an extremely girly-looking Fishman named Choo.

That's when Usopp began to panic... and when he panics, he does what he does best: lie, saying that if they hurt him, the Demonic Duo would strike because he was friends with both of them. Nami just tuned him out as best she could.

"Nami, you've gone pale," said Arlong.

"What? Still don't trust me?" said Nami.

"You are a crafty one," said a ray-like Fishman named Kuroobi.

"We've known you for too long, Nami," said Arlong.

"If they get any more suspicious, they'll kill me. I can't let that happen, not when I'm almost there," thought Nami.

"You disgust me, Nami! You are a witch!" yelled Usopp. "Even after you left, Shiki still trusts you! He trusts you completely even now!"

"The only thing I believe in is money. Shiki is an idiot, and so is his brother," said Nami.

That's when the (idiot) octopus-like Fishman Hatchi showed up. When they found that idiot had towed him to Cocoyashi Village, they realized (well, more like an incorrect theory) that Zoro was indeed after Arlong.

That's when Nami took out her staff and attacked Usopp.

"So you want to fight?" said Usopp.

"You're in the way. You shouldn't have attacked Arlong. It was my mistake that brought you here, and I'm not going to let you guys ruin eight years of hard work," said Nami. "So I'll be the one that will eliminate you."

"Eliminate me... ha! Don't make me laugh. I'm not so weak that I can be beaten up by a little girl," said Usopp.

"I'm not the girl you knew." said Nami.

And so, the two began to fight. Usopp used a Smoke Star that blinded everyone and decided to escape in the water, but Nami found him, hit him with her staff, pulled him up... and stabbed him in the gut.

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