Chapter 41 (Whiskey Peak Arc: Part 3)

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Zoro then pulled on the rope dragging Mr. 9 in the line of Mr. 8's fire, when the bullets hit, Zoro then threw the rope-a-dope to Ms Wednesday knocked her out then jump on Luffy (who as still asleep) using him a trampoline and managed to attack Mr. 8…

That's when Shiki and Nami showed up.

"What happened?" asked Shiki.

"You missed everything you vice-captain." said Zoro with a smirk.

"Sorry about that but I'm here now aren't i?" said Shiki with a smirk as well.

But that's when the three of them on the roof got a strange feeling.

"Does anyone else feel that it's not over yet?" asked Shiki.

That's when something interesting happened, Mr. 8 began to get up, when he saw a blonde woman and a black guy (who looked kind of like Lenny Kravtiz) who were apparently Mr. 5 and Ms. Valentines. The three agents that were easily defeated by Zoro wanted them to fight him… but those two were on certain business, that someone from a monarchy had infiltrated Baroque Works.

"You know…" said Shiki looking down on the ground, "We really should get Luffy out of there."

The other two nodded in agreement.

They jump down to get the swollen captain and each one of them grabbed a limb and carried him to a safer location… but close enough to hear what's going on… which was apparently Ms. Wednesday was a Princess of a Kingdom… They watched from their fairly safe place Ms. Wednesday… err… Vivi tried to fight but Mr. 9 fought for her instead… but was a hit by an exploding booger tossed by Mr. 5… yes a booger.

"Ewww…" said Nami with a sweat drop.

"He ate a devil fruit… I know it… but I don't want to know what he ate." Said Shiki disgusted.

That when Mr. 8 who's real, real name was Igaram as at one point discovered in the fray, crawled over to Zoro and latched on his leg.

"What the!" yelled Zoro.

"Please, please you and your friends are strong! You have to save the Princess!" said Igaram.

"Let go of me!" yelled Zoro.

"Please, those two are formable fighters, I need you to escort the Princess back to Alabasta! Please!" begged Igaram.

Shiki and Nami looked at Igaram not knowing what to think, as the Princess ran away on her duck.

"Please I'll pay you handsomely!" said Igaram.

"Stop it!" yelled Zoro.

"How handsomely?" asked a voice.

All of them looked up and saw that it was Nami who spoke up, "We'll do it." She said, "for a billion berries."

Everyone stared at Nami gaping.

"Oh… man…she just love money doesn't …" muttered Shiki with a sweatdrop.

"You must be tipsy…" said Zoro staring at her.

"Do you really think I'd get tipsy n a town that welcomed pirates?" asked Nami, "I can handle a lot more booze than that."

Nami bent down to Igaram as they watched her negotiate.

"Evil Witch." Said Zoro twitching slightly.

"Yeah… I feel sorry for you Zoro." Said Shiki.

"What do you mean?" asked Zoro.

"You'll see…" said Shiki with a smirk.

Nami had just finished "negations", which was her black mailing him, however he managed to tell her that she might be killed as they were talking.

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