Chapter 43 (Little Garden Arc: Part 1)

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The crew turned their attention to the woman. Of them all, Vivi appeared the most shaken. They had no idea who she was or why she was there, but judging by Vivi's reaction, it was bad, and they all knew they should be on guard—well, sort of. One of them was distracted.

Shiki, however, seemed more concerned with something else.

"Ms. Wednesday, I met your friend, Mr. 8," said the woman.

"Did you kill... Igaram?" Vivi asked.

"How did you get on this ship?" Shiki asked, twitching.

"What are you doing here, Ms. All Sunday?" yelled Vivi.

The woman, codenamed Ms. All Sunday, smiled.

"So, she's a member of Baroque Works," said Zoro. "Who's her partner?"

"She's the partner of Mr. 0, the only person who knows the boss's identity," said Vivi. "We followed to see if we could find out the Boss' true identity."

"Actually, I let you follow me," said Ms. All Sunday.

"That was nice," said the D Brothers.

"We knew that... But then you told him that we found out," yelled Vivi.

"That wasn't nice," said the D Brothers.

"I'm curious... you seemed so earnest... I just had to help you," said Ms. All Sunday. "A princess declaring war on Baroque Works."

Vivi began to shake, contemplating various things. "Don't underestimate us!"

That's when various things happened: Zoro prepared a sword, Nami grabbed her staff, Shiki got into a stance, and surprisingly, Usopp aimed his slingshot at her, while even more surprisingly, Sanji aimed a gun at her.

"Does anyone know what's going on?" asked Usopp.

"No clue, all I know is that my beloved Ms. Wednesday is in danger," said Sanji.

"Please don't point those at me," said Ms. All Sunday.

That's when the two of them were thrown to the deck.

"What the!" yelled Luffy.

"A devil fruit?" said Shiki.

When the two landed, something caused Zoro and Nami to drop their weapons.

"She's beautiful!" Sanji exclaimed, slipping into Love Cook mode.

"Now's not the time!" Nami snapped.

"Don't get excited; I'm not on an assignment, so I have no reason to fight you," said Ms. All Sunday.

That's when she used her powers to somehow snatch Luffy's hat, catching it and placing it atop her cowboy hat.

"Give me back my hat! You're starting a fight!" Luffy demanded.

"So, you're the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, huh?" Ms. All Sunday remarked. "It's a shame that you and your crew had to befriend a Princess... now Baroque Works is hunting you down. And Princess, your only protection is from a bunch of pirates!"

"You better give back my brother's hat... he's been known to lose it when someone touches it," Shiki interjected.

Ignoring them, Ms. All Sunday continued her warning, "But the worst luck of all is your next island... Little Garden."

Shiki blinked, sensing trouble ahead.

"What's there..." he pondered.

Ms. All Sunday tossed back Luffy's hat and something else as well, which Vivi caught.

"An eternal pose," Vivi noted.

"It's to the Island of Nothing, an island right before Alabasta. With it, you'll be able to bypass the island," explained Robin.

"So, is she a good guy?" Nami inquired.

"Way too easy... sounds too much like a trap," Zoro remarked.

"Who knows..." Ms. All Sunday replied, sporting a mysterious smile.

Vivi contemplated it, then Luffy grabbed it and smashed it.

"What the hell!" Nami yelled, punching him in the head. "She just gave us an easy route... what if she's trying to help us!"

"She's not deciding our course!" Luffy declared.

"So, that's how it is..." Ms. All Sunday sighed.

"Luffy!" Shiki interjected. "I don't think you should have done that!"

"What?" Luffy asked, surprised. Sure, he had a legitimate reason because she killed Igaram (and Luffy liked that guy), but he realized there was an even better reason for not breaking it because his brother wouldn't tell him that for no reason.

"You should be happy that I don't mind forceful men... if you're sure, I hope we meet again," Ms. All Sunday said before jumping onto an awaiting turtle and riding off.

"Wow, it's a turtle!" Luffy exclaimed. "And a big one!"

"I wish I knew her game," Nami muttered.

"There's no worrying about it now, seeing as we're used to that sort of thing around here," said Zoro.

Shiki looked at the ground. "Shiki," said Nami, placing a hand on his shoulder, "I heard what you told Luffy about the island."

Shiki looked up. "You did... should I tell anyone? I don't know, but something tells me we are going to run into some bad people."

Before Nami could answer, Luffy shouted, "Hey, the sun's rising! Sanji, make breakfast!"

"I'm hungry too!" yelled Shiki.

Nami couldn't help but laugh a bit, but she was still a bit worried nonetheless.

Shortly after breakfast, they all gathered to discuss some things.

"Don't worry, I didn't get a chance to show off last time, but don't worry, the sleeping knight is now awake!" said Sanji.

There was an awkward silence. "I'm glad I didn't help out..." said Usopp.

"Coward..." muttered Shiki.

"Hey!" yelled Usopp.

"Then again, it's better we weren't there. After all, we're not on their hit list," said Sanji.

Everyone stared at Sanji with sweat drops. After all, none of them could deny that he was right, and the fewer on the hit list, the better.

"Wait... there's something I think we need to talk about!" said Shiki.

"What?" asked Zoro.

"The next island... there's something there that makes me feel uncomfortable, and I feel as though something will happen on that island. So, I just want everyone to stay on guard when we arrive there," said Shiki.

Everyone else looked at Shiki.

"You're kidding, right?" asked Usopp.

Shiki shook his head.

As time went by, Vivi realized something.

"Should they be doing that?" she yelled.

She was pointing to the guys lounging about, drinking the drinks that Sanji made.

"Don't worry," said Nami, who was also drinking one of the drinks. "They'll pitch in if there's a blow. They don't want to die either."

After a strange incident involving a giant dolphin, they finally spotted the island.

"There's the next island," said Nami confidently. "There's no mistake."

Shiki chimed in, "Just be prepared for anything. Don't let your guard down."

"That could be bad!" exclaimed Usopp.

As they drew nearer to the island, they realized it was a peculiar jungle.

And so, they approached the island, uncertain of what to expect or what would unfold upon their arrival.

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