Chapter 39 (Whiskey Peak Arc: Part 1)

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The Going Merry sailed cheerfully through the snow, with the more playful crew members frolicking in the winter wonderland. The snowy scenery also fueled the competitive spirit between the two brothers and their sniper.

"Look at Mr. Snowman!" exclaimed Luffy.

"What a dull snowman," remarked Usopp, unveiling his masterpiece. "Behold my stunning snow queen!"

Usopp's creation resembled more of a statue than a snow figure.

Luffy and Shiki eyed the snow sculpture, exchanged glances, but remained silent.

"Snowman punch!" declared Luffy, making their creation throw a punch at the snow queen.

"What are you doing?" questioned Usopp, kicking their snowman.

The two brothers and their sniper engaged in an old-fashioned snowball fight.

Meanwhile, in the galley, Nami observed them and sighed.

"How can they be so carefree?" she wondered.

"Nami!" called Sanji from outside. "How much longer must I shovel snow, my dear?"

"Until the snow stops," Nami replied from inside.

"Of course, my lady," Sanji responded.

Inside the galley, the two "guests" shivered at the table.

"Does this ship have a decent heater?" inquired Mr. 9.

"I'm cold," complained Ms. Wednesday.

"Instead of complaining, why don't you do something useful?" retorted Nami.

"I don't see you doing anything useful," Mrs. Wednesday shot back.

Ignoring the remark, Nami wasn't in the mood for an argument.

"Perhaps you have nothing to do because you're only good at navigating," taunted Mr. 9. "And you seem weak as well. I bet I could knock you down with one hit."

Nami's irritation grew. "Remember the flick Shiki gave you? This time, it won't be a flick; I'll have him throw you overboard," she warned.

Mr. 9 was left speechless, remembering how potent Shiki's flick had felt.

'Ha! Left him speechless!' thought Nami.

That's when there was a thunderclap.

"Thunder... It was warm and sunny a minute ago," said Nami. "Crocus was right... This weather defies logic."

"You've hardly been steering... Is that wise?" asked Ms. Wednesday.

"What do you mean? I just checked our course," said Nami.

Nami once again checked the log pose... What she found made her scream.

Nami then left the galley, as well as the crew's two guests.

"Nami, what's wrong?" asked Shiki.

"We need to turn the ship 180 degrees back!" said Nami.

"Why? Did you forget something?" asked Shiki.

"No, it's not that," said Nami. "Somehow we turned back the way we came. I took my eyes off it for a second and the sea was smooth."

"The sea is having its way with us," said Mr. 9.

"You can't trust anything on the Grand Line: the sea, the sky, the waves, and even the clouds are treacherous. The only thing you can count on is the Log Pose," said Ms. Wednesday.

Shiki got up and grabbed both of their shirt collars like they were nothing.

"Let us go!" said Ms. Wednesday.

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