Chapter 59 (Drum Island Arc: Part 9)

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On the mountain's summit, Rumi, Dalton, and Dr. Kureha stood mesmerized by the falling cherry blossom petals.

"Of all crews, Chopper had to join theirs," Dr. Kureha remarked, taking a sip of sake.

"What do you mean?" Dalton inquired.

"Dalton!" shouted a random townsfolk, catching Dalton's attention.

"What is it?" Dalton asked, turning to face them.

Two townspeople arrived with bounty posters—Shiki's and Luffy's.

"Wait! That's…" Dalton started.

"35 million and 30 million?" Rumi chuckled. "They're still beginners. I'm sure those bounties will grow."

"Where did you get these?" Dalton questioned.

The townspeople explained that on an unusual snow-free day, a young man had given them the posters, instructing them to tell Luffy and Shiki to meet him in Alabasta. The man, Ace, had assured them that when the two heard his name, they would understand. They also admitted they had failed to stop Ace from leaving after he dined and dashed.

"It doesn't matter. They're heading to Alabasta. Call it a hunch," Dalton said with a smile, reminiscing about Vivi—whom he had met once as a child, a long story in itself.

"I see," one of the men replied.

"Dr. Kureha, what's wrong?" Rumi asked.

"Have any of you heard of Gol D. Roger?" Dr. Kureha queried.

"Don't you mean Gold Roger? Everyone's heard of him," Dalton replied.

"I know. But what about this name: Tazuma D. Kishimoto?" Dr. Kureha pressed on.

Dalton and the townspeople exchanged puzzled looks.

"Who's that?" one of the townspeople asked.

"Figures as much... Most people don't know his real name. They know him by one name: The Martial God... Another famous figure to add to the Will of D.," Dr. Kureha said with a smile.

Back on the Going Merry, a celebration to mark Chopper's arrival was in full swing. Nearly everyone was rejoicing, except for Chopper, who seemed lost in thought. Nami, Vivi, and Carue were the exceptions, and they knew why.

"Can't anyone show some sympathy for Carue?" Nami exclaimed.

"He's alive, so what's the big deal?" Luffy shrugged.

Earlier, when they returned to the ship, they had found Carue frozen in the river. Vivi was distraught, trying desperately to warm him up.

"Oh, Carue! How did you end up in the river?" Vivi cried.

Carue attempted to explain through quacks.

"He probably slipped in," Zoro chuckled.

"He said he saw Zoro go into the river and disappear, so he dove in to rescue him," Chopper translated.

"It's your fault!" Nami scolded Zoro, hitting him on the head.

"I told you it was a bad idea to leave Zoro alone with the ship, but did anyone listen? No..." Sanji grumbled, his eye twitching.

"Anyway, Chopper, that was amazing! It's good to see you have talents beyond medicine," Nami praised.

"It was nothing," Chopper blushed slightly. Normally, he would have danced and insisted he wasn't happy, but talking to Nami gave him a warm, fuzzy feeling in his stomach that he couldn't quite describe.

"What do you mean, medicine?" Sanji asked.

Nami sighed, realizing she had to break the news to him.

"What do you mean he's a doctor!" Sanji exclaimed.

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