Chapter 67 (Lightning Scroll Arc: Part 8)

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In the town's medical tent, Chopper noticed that there was no one left who needed treatment.

"It looks like everyone's all patched up. Thanks for your help," said a local doctor who had remained uninjured during the entire raid by the Elite 5.

"I don't need your thanks, asshole!" Chopper retorted, doing a happy dance that made the doctor sweat drop.

After leaving the medical tent, they decided to head back to the Going Merry.

"I wonder if they can beat those guys?" Chopper mused to himself. "But Shiki, Zoro, and Luffy are strong, and Misaki is a Monarch like Rumi. So they won't lose!"

Meanwhile, in the cave, Shiki stood with flamed fists.

"So, are you ready?" asked Shiki with a smirk.

"All I have to do is wait for him to run toward me," thought Kidomaru.

As Shiki got closer, Kidomaru spat something at him—a spider web.

"What the..." muttered Shiki.

"I can spit web," Kidomaru said with an evil smirk.

"Great..." Shiki replied, cutting off the webbing with his flamed fists. "Then again, this makes things much more interesting."

Shiki jumped back and decided to reassess his strategy.

"That spider web seems to be a defensive tactic. All I have to do is avoid the web," he thought.

"What is he planning?" wondered Kidomaru.

Shiki ran toward Kidomaru again. Kidomaru smirked and shot the web at him once more. However, Shiki dodged the web and aimed his fists for an attack. But he was shocked when his fist hit some sort of weird gold-like substance that suddenly appeared on Kidomaru's skin.

"What the hell..." muttered Shiki, jumping back.

The substance began to fall off, and Kidomaru smirked evilly. "You're surprised, aren't you?"

"What was that!" yelled Shiki.

"It's just my spider's sticky gold. It's impenetrable," Kidomaru explained. "I can sweat it out and create an armor that can deflect any attack."

"What does that have to do with a spider?" asked Shiki with a sweat drop.

"I don't know..." admitted Kidomaru, conceding that it was indeed a bit weird.

"Looks like I'm going to have to resort to that," thought Shiki, jumping back a bit.

"What is he doing?" Kidomaru wondered.

Shiki ran toward Kidomaru at such a fast pace that Kidomaru wasn't expecting it. He then kicked Kidomaru into the air, causing him to float. Shiki jumped into the air and appeared below Kidomaru, poking him to signal his position.

"What is this?" asked Kidomaru.

"Just a little trick I picked up," Shiki said with a smirk.

Shiki began to beat Kidomaru in the air. After the beating, Shiki gave one final kick to the ground while shouting, "Dragon Tail!" Kidomaru landed with a hard crash, whipping up a lot of dust.

Shiki landed on his feet and took a deep breath. "That must have done the trick."

Before the dust cleared, a web shot out and wrapped around Shiki's neck. As the dust finally settled, Shiki's eyes widened as he saw Kidomaru standing mostly unharmed, a web coming out of his mouth.

"What the..." thought Shiki as he cut the web with his flamed hands that was slowly choking him. "How did he..." he managed to get out while coughing.

"Look down at my feet," said Kidomaru.

Shiki did so, his eyes widening as he saw more of the Spider Sticky Gold that Kidomaru had mentioned.

"While you were attacking me, I managed to secrete it before any major damage could be done," said Kidomaru.

"No way… Damn it, I gotta fry this bastard, but he keeps using his spider gold to trap me," thought Shiki.

"You know, my Spider Sticky Gold isn't just for defense. It can be used for offense as well," said Kidomaru.

"Oh really, how?" asked Shiki with a confident smirk. Though he was playing the part, he knew he was in trouble.

That's when Kidomaru spat some out of his mouth, which took the form of a throwing weapon.

"You can make it from your mouth as well?" said Shiki with a sweat drop.

"Why yes, I never said I couldn't," Kidomaru replied with a smirk.

Shiki sweat dropped as Kidomaru threw it at him. Shiki broke loose and managed to melt the weapon away like it was nothing.

"I know you're exhausted from using your powers on me," said Kidomaru with an evil smirk. "This is going to be fun."

Kidomaru began to make more and more weapons and threw them at Shiki. Shiki managed to melt some away and dodge, but a few hit him.

"Oh man… what am I going to do…" thought Shiki. Then he realized something, "I have to test it out… but I'm unsure it might work."

"I'm tired of this," said Kidomaru, who then used his Spider Sticky Gold and web to make a giant bow, followed by an arrow. "Normally I do this under certain means… but you're an interesting one."

"This looks bad…" thought Shiki.

Kidomaru created an arrow out of the Spider Sticky Gold and aimed it at Shiki.

"This will hit," said Kidomaru as he shot it towards him.

Shiki's eyes widened as the arrow flew toward him.

Meanwhile, outside the cave, the others arrived.

"This is the place," said Misaki.

"So my brother is facing the Spider Guy," said Luffy.

"We have to get in there quick and help him," said Misaki, who began to look for something in her coat but couldn't find it.

"Where did I put my flashlight?" said Misaki.

Misaki took off her jacket and began searching for the flashlight, oblivious to the fact that she was doing this in front of Luffy and Zoro. Zoro quickly turned around, avoiding looking at her very revealing shirt—if one could even call it that.

As Misaki found her flashlight, she realized Luffy was staring at her. Anger flared up in her eyes, and she gave Luffy a murderous glare.

"You little pervert! You were staring at me, weren't you?" yelled Misaki as she hastily put her jacket back on.

"I'm sorry!" cried Luffy, cowering.

Misaki took out her kabob skewers and began to beat and stab Luffy with them. Zoro flinched as he watched.

"That idiot…" muttered Zoro.

After a couple of minutes, Luffy was left lightly bruised and had several cuts.

"Now you know not to look at me when I have my jacket off," said Misaki.

"Yes ma'am…" said Luffy, nodding vigorously.

"You didn't see anything, did you?" asked Misaki, glaring at Zoro.

"No," said Zoro, shaking his head.

"Okay then," said Misaki, turning on her flashlight. "Let's go in."

The three of them entered the cave, unsure of what was happening to Shiki inside.

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