Chapter 4 (Shells Town Arc: Part 2)

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Just as the Marines were about to shoot, Luffy jumped in front of them and took the bullets...

"He's crazy..." said Zoro.

Shiki just smirked, knowing what was about to happen.

The bullets hit Luffy, but it didn't kill him. Instead, they bounced back and nearly missed the Marines. Koby fainted, Zoro's mouth was hanging open, and Shiki was just laughing.

"You looked like a dead fish," joked Shiki.

Zoro turned to Shiki, seeking an ally in this bizarre situation.

Shiki nodded and swiftly untied Zoro, while Luffy, who happened to have all three swords on his back, took them off and gave them to Zoro.

"Sorry I couldn't tell which one is yours," said Luffy.

"Those are all mine," Zoro replied, taking the three swords and preparing for combat. "I practice Santoryu," he explained, gripping all three blades.

"That guy couldn't be shot..." muttered one of the Marines in disbelief.

"If he can't be shot, cut him!" ordered Captain Morgan, prompting the Marines to charge at the group.

"You can take 'em... I think you have a point to prove," Shiki suggested.

"Of course," replied Zoro, readying his swords to confront the charging Marines.

"One move and you die," Zoro warned, using all three swords to block their advance.

The Marines, intimidated and frightened, began to cry.

"I'll agree to join your crew, but you must know that my goal is to be the World's Greatest Swordsman. If being on my crew hinders this goal, I will commit Seppuku," Zoro declared solemnly.

"I'm going to be the King of the Pirates... my brother, the world's strongest man... anything less on my crew would make me look bad," said Luffy.

"Yeah," replied Shiki, then turned his attention to the marines, grinning and managing to frighten a few of them. "Leave them to me!" he asserted.

Shiki dispatched four marines with powerful punches, sending them flying. Luffy then called out, "Shiki, Zoro, duck!" Both swiftly followed the command. Luffy executed his Gum Gum Whip, a rubbery roundhouse kick that incapacitated the remaining marines.

"So awesome!" exclaimed Koby, who had regained consciousness a while earlier.

"How did you do that?" inquired Zoro.

"I ate the Gum Gum Fruit," explained Luffy.

"That kid has monstrous strength, and that guy stretched like rubber," remarked a Marine.

"So, Devil Fruit Eaters..." began Captain Morgan.

"Devil Fruit Eater?" questioned another marine.

"They are fruits said to be created by sea devils... those who eat them gain powers such as breathing fire or creating giant waves... but in exchange, they can never swim," elucidated Captain Morgan.

"The Pirate Hunter... and Devil Fruit Users... I don't think we can fight them," concluded a marine.

Many of the marines agreed with this sentiment.

"Listen up! If you think about backing away... by my order, you must kill yourselves," commanded Captain Morgan.

"Wait, he's forcing them to fight. That bastard!" expressed Shiki angrily.

"Hey, you... maybe you should take me on!" shouted Luffy. "Gum Gum Pistol!" He struck Captain Morgan, initiating a fight.

"Stop... stop now!" yelled Helmeppo.

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