Chapter 49 (Little Garden Arc: Part 7)

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Luffy, Shiki, and Usopp stared at Mr. 3.

"If he starts another speech, that will be the time to strike..." whispered Shiki. "Nothing says 'I'm a big target' like a villain talking crap."

"Hey!" yelled Mr. 3. "I can hear you! And Ms. Golden Week, paint this masterpiece."

Ms. Golden Week sighed as she put the book down. "Oh man, but Kelly was about to accept Damien's offer to become his first Guardian of Darkness," sighed Ms. Golden Week, starting to paint the Wax Mecha.

"Okay! Let's go get that thing!" said Luffy.

"I'm with you!" said Shiki. "Usopp, you should be the one to save them."

"Why me!" yelled Usopp.

"Because I know for a fact that you can set it on fire in some way... without me..." said Shiki.

"How am I supposed to burn something so big!" yelled Usopp.

"It's all ready!" said Mr. 3 as the Wax Mecha got a paint job.

Shiki got ready. "Aim for his face!" he yelled.

"That's what I was thinking!" said Luffy.

The two began to aim attacks for his face, as it was the part of him sticking out from outside the Mecha. However, he kept blocking the attacks and dodging.

Meanwhile, Usopp was trying to think of something before they died...

"Hey! I have an idea to save them!" yelled Usopp, as he took out a rope. "This rope has been coated in oil... If i wrap it around them, then we'll be able to burn it down," said Usopp to himself.

He began to spread the rope around the candelabra as well as the wax-covered giant... bet you forgot he was there.

Meanwhile, with Luffy and Shiki, the two continued to fight. Luffy tried to use Gum Gum Stamp, but it was useless. Shiki tried punching him in the face, but he blocked it once again.

"Will you give up! They are my artwork... just leave it be!" yelled Mr. 3.

"Never, you bastard!" yelled Shiki.

That's when Mr. 3 smashed him using the Mecha's arms. Shiki caught it.

"What?!" said Mr. 3, shocked.

Shiki tried his best to push the mecha arms.

"There's no way I'm going to let my friends die!" yelled Luffy. "There's no way I'm letting that happen!"

"Luffy, do you think you can light the rope for Usopp?" he said, holding the mecha arms.

Luffy looked at the rope and then at Mr. 3, whose hair was still on fire. "Sure! Of course!" said Luffy with a big smile.

Luffy stretched his arm and grabbed Mr. 3 by the hair, leading him to the rope.

"Ow! Ow! Hey! Watch the hair!" yelled Mr. 3.

Luffy managed to slam the burning hair into the oil-soaked rope, setting a huge blaze. It also melted the wax Mecha a bit, then Shiki completely ripped it apart.

"That's a lot of fire! Are they okay?" yelled Luffy.

"They're still alive," said Shiki. "I'm pretty sure they're all right... even with the fire."

"Oh man! I'm on fire! It burns!" yelled Mr. 3, who managed to get out of the Mecha and then ran away. "You ruined my masterpiece."

"Oh no! You're not getting away!" yelled Luffy.

"I'm coming too," said Shiki, following him.

Ms. Valentines then woke up.

"What happened?" she said in a daze.

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