Chapter 9 (Orange Town Arc: Part 5)

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Shiki sighed as he decided to sit and watch the match. Since he defeated Morgan last, he gave Luffy his chance, choosing not to help Luffy fight Buggy-unless it was too serious. But Shiki doubted it, so he focused back on the match. Luffy and Buggy exchanged customary pre-fight dialogue.

"Did you know Shanks?" asked Luffy. "Do you know where he is now?" he asked, knowing Shiki would want to know the answer as well.

"Maybe I do, then again, maybe I don't," said Buggy.

"Just spill it already!" yelled Luffy.

As Luffy and Buggy fought, Shiki listened, knowing Luffy would tell him what he found out about Shanks. However, during the fight, something happened-Buggy accidentally knocked Luffy's hat off.

Nami began to watch the fight after leaving the treasure room.

"He seems pretty mad about the hat," said Nami.

Shiki observed silently.

Buggy threw one of his daggers at Luffy. As Luffy dodged, Buggy used his hand with three knives between his gloved fingers and shot towards his hat, impaling them with the daggers.

"No! I promised to give it back to Shanks!" said Luffy.

"So it is Shanks' hat... I thought it looked familiar," said Buggy, his hand still holding the daggers with the hat impaled on it. He threw it to the ground and spat on it.

Now Luffy was beyond angry, and Shiki sighed.

Shiki then began to untie his necklace.

"What's Shiki doing?" said Nami as she watched the scene unfold.

Luffy was relentlessly attacking Buggy, much like a bully would.

"Luffy, catch," said Shiki, throwing his necklace.

Luffy caught it, looked at his brother, then at the necklace-his brother's treasure, just as the hat was his. He knew his brother was willing to lend it to him for the fight. Luffy tied it around his neck. Buggy's eyes focused on the necklace.

"He gave that to you too?" he yelled.

"How do you know Shanks?" demanded Luffy, getting off Buggy so he could hear his story. Shiki walked up next to his brother.

"We were apprentice pirates together... we started on the same ship," said Buggy.


Teenaged Buggy was arguing with Teenaged Shanks about which was colder, the North Pole or the South Pole...

(Cut from the flashback)

"How did this turn into story time again?" asked Shiki.

"Shut up! Now, as I was saying..." said Buggy.

"It was true though..." mumbled Shiki.

(Back to the flashback)

The argument turned physical.

"That's it! Time to beat you up," said Shanks.

He and Buggy began brawling until Buggy slipped and fell to the ship's floor.

"Haha... Buggy, you're pathetic," laughed Shanks.

Buggy got angry.

"I'll show you pathe-," he was cut off.

"Hey, there's a ship!" called one of the crewmembers.

The crew raided the ship, where Buggy found a treasure map hidden from the others.

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