Chapter 60 (Lightning Scroll Arc: Part 1)

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The crew found themselves surrounded by the woman's clones, each one smirking menacingly. However, one member of the crew had a rather unexpected reaction—Sanji collapsed, unconscious, with a nosebleed streaming down his face.

"Oh no, what happened?" Chopper cried out in concern.

"He fainted after seeing that outfit. What a pervert!" Usopp remarked with a smirk.

"So, basically, we hack through the clones until we find the real one?" Zoro suggested, grinning mischievously. "Sounds like fun to me."

The woman and her clones smirked in response to Zoro's challenge. Drawing his sword, Zoro confidently slashed at one of the clones, expecting it to vanish. Instead, the clone melted into snakes that swiftly wrapped around him.

"What just happened?" Usopp exclaimed in surprise.

"Snake clones," Shiki explained calmly.

"Snake clones?" Nami repeated, bewildered.

"Yeah, they're the most dangerous kind. The user controls snakes, projects their appearance onto them, and when the clone is destroyed, the snakes can attack and potentially kill," Shiki elaborated.

"I didn't know you knew so much about clones," Usopp remarked, impressed.

"I'm a user too, you know!" Shiki retorted.

"Hey! Is anyone going to help me?" Zoro shouted from the ground, still entangled by the snakes.

"Not yet," Shiki replied coolly. "Let me handle her. Snake clones have a flaw..."

Shiki summoned duplicates of himself, and each one attacked a clone, turning them back into snakes. When the snakes turned on their creator, they vanished.

"So, duplicates," the woman observed. "Impressive."

"Alright, Shiki!" Luffy cheered enthusiastically.

"Isn't anyone going to help me?" Zoro grumbled as he struggled against the snake bindings.

"Not until I defeat her," Shiki declared with a smirk.

"This is going to be an interesting fight," the woman remarked, reforming her clones. "The name's Yamamoto Misaki. And yours?"

Shiki pointed accusingly, his eyes widening. "You're that crazy witch!"

"Don't make her more antagonistic!" Usopp warned.

Ignoring the warning, Shiki dashed towards the real Misaki, holding up the scroll Rumi had given him. "Will you fight me? Give me your scroll. I've decided to collect scrolls from all the monarchs."

Everyone watched in surprise, including Misaki, who burst into laughter. "Sure, why not?" She flipped through the book and found Rumi's scroll. "Wait... You know Rumi?" She looked back at Shiki. "You're Monkey D. Shiki?"

Shiki nodded eagerly.

"I'm sorry... I didn't realize this was your brother's crew. My apologies," Misaki said sincerely.

All the clones melted back into snakes, and with a flick of her wrist, Misaki gathered all the snakes—including the ones restraining Zoro—into her sleeve.

As everyone stared in disbelief, Misaki handed Shiki her scroll of techniques. "Here you go."

Shiki laughed as he read the note on the scroll cover, "Sorry for attacking you guys, I didn't know you were cool, Yamamoto Misaki."

"Awesome! Now I have two scrolls!" Shiki cheered.

"Wait, she's a monarch?" Zoro asked, finally getting up.

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