Chapter 48 (Little Garden Arc: Part 6)

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The forest fell into a heavy silence. Shiki's lewd behavior was a rare occurrence, and he despised it. Nami quickly pieced it together—a simple equation: Shiki plus hypnosis plus inappropriate actions equaled trouble.

"Shiki...why..." Nami's voice trembled as the air around her grew heavy with tension.

"What do you mean?" Vivi inquired, but Nami remained silent.

Vivi blinked, realizing Nami's strong feelings for the Elder D Brother.

"Squeeze! Squeeze!" Shiki continued his inappropriate behavior, causing chaos.

Suddenly, all hell broke loose.

"You... little... pervert..." Ms. Valentines growled.

She punched him in the face, lifted him into the air, and repeatedly slammed him back to the ground, creating a sizable crater.

"That's what you get, pervert," Ms. Valentines declared.

As Shiki rose to his feet, laughter echoed from him.

"Hey... how did you like my revenge?" Shiki's laughter filled the air, his eyes unseen.

"His eyes!" Ms. Valentines exclaimed, noticing Shiki's now red eyes. She scanned the surroundings, unable to locate her partner. Usopp had vanished as well.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the forest...

"Temporary truce... until she calms down," Mr. 5 proposed, hiding from his partner, with Usopp silently agreeing.

Suddenly, Shiki grabbed Ms. Valentines.

"Let go of me!" she shouted.

Shiki hurled her into the bushes where Usopp and Mr. 5 were hiding. Usopp's temporary truce came to an end as he landed in a crumpled heap.

Mr. 5 emerged, unaware of Shiki descending from the air with his flaming fist.

"What the-" Mr. 5's words were cut off by Shiki's punch.

"Well, that's interesting," Zoro remarked with a smirk.

"What's happening? How did he break the hypnosis?" Vivi asked.

Nami shook her head. "I'm just as confused as you are," she admitted, glancing at the unconscious Ms. Valentines. "They're quite a formidable crew," Vivi thought to herself.

Shiki rushed over to Usopp and lifted him up.

"Where's the duck... who cares!" he yelled, sprinting towards Luffy, who remained hypnotized.

"Luffy, don't step off that mark!" Shiki warned urgently.

Luffy stepped off the mark and noticed Shiki's eyes. "Shiki, did you use that ability?" he asked.

"Yeah, I had to, or that lady would have hypnotized me," Shiki explained. "Now, we have to go! We're in grave danger!"

"Are you just going to leave us here, Shiki?" yelled Nami.

"No, of course not... I'll do that in a sec," replied Shiki.

"Just make it quick; I can't take this uncomfortable position anymore," said Nami, who would have pointed if she could move her body.

Shiki nodded and then grabbed his brother, along with the unconscious Usopp, and went to hide Usopp in the bushes before rushing back to the battlefield.

That's when Mr. 5 got up.

"I don't know what attack you did to me earlier, but you're going to die," he threatened.

"It wouldn't be any fun if we just had to break that candelabra. I want to have my fun," Shiki retorted with a smirk while flexing his fist.

"Isn't there any way to make this go faster?" asked Nami.

"Ms. Golden Week!" Mr. 5 called out.

He noticed her eating a picnic and reading a book.

"Sorry, but that one isn't a complete idiot. He appears to be very intelligent when it comes to battle. Just let him go and don't fight him," advised Ms. Golden Week. "He's going to kick your butt so hard it won't be funny."

"I don't believe it!" protested Mr. 5.

That's when Shiki slammed the ground, cracking it into many pieces, and picked up a sizable boulder.

"Oh... shit..." muttered Mr. 5.

What transpired next was too violent to describe, but when they looked, they saw that the captives were fully encased in wax.

"Oh no, I took too long!" cried Shiki, then yelled to the bushes where Luffy was, "Luffy, they're still alive. I can feel it. We have to go save them!"

Luffy nodded in agreement.

"All right! And I'll go protect the bush!" exclaimed Usopp (who had since recovered since going into the bushes).

"Oh no, you're not... You're one of the few of us who can actually free them!" corrected Shiki.

Luffy and Usopp, who was forced to go along, jumped out of the bushes and joined the elder D brother.

"Right now, they're still alive! We need to figure out how to get them out!" declared Shiki.

That's when they heard maniacal laughter...

"Look, Mr. Candlehead is conscious again," sighed Shiki.

"It's really a shame... Even if you do have a group that may have defeated the other two, you won't be able to stand up against me!" boasted Mr. 3, who was in a giant Mecha suit made out of wax.

"What is that thing!" exclaimed Usopp.

"I don't know," said Luffy, whose eyes began to sparkle. "But it's so cool!"

"Focus, Luffy!" yelled Usopp.

And with that, within a limited time frame, they once again had to fight Mr. 3, not knowing what would happen next.

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