Chapter 65 (Lightning Scroll Arc: Part 6)

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Deep within the forest, Zoro drew his swords and faced Kimimaro. With a swift motion, he lunged forward to strike, but Kimimaro intercepted his blades with a barrage of white spikes extending from his arms. Zoro recoiled, bewildered by the unexpected defense.

"What the hell..." he muttered under his breath.

"I have the ability to manipulate my skeleton in various ways," Kimimaro stated emotionlessly.

"Let me guess, you ate a Devil Fruit?" Zoro responded, trying to make sense of Kimimaro's abilities.

"No, I was born with this ability," Kimimaro clarified.

"What!" Zoro exclaimed in disbelief.

Suddenly, Kimimaro pointed his fingers at Zoro, shouting, "Finger Bullet Drill!" Small bones shot out like bullets from his fingertips, but Zoro deftly deflected them with his swords.

"You know," Zoro remarked, readjusting his bandana as he prepared for battle, "I didn't expect this side trip to be so interesting. I stand corrected."

"You look like a psychopath with that bandana on your head," Kimimaro observed in a flat, emotionless tone.

Zoro couldn't help but sweat nervously. "Even so, I won't lose," he declared firmly.

With renewed determination, Zoro charged at Kimimaro, knowing he faced one of his toughest opponents yet, anticipating an epic battle. Despite the bone spikes protruding from Kimimaro's body, Zoro attacked relentlessly. Each strike was met by bone defenses, frustrating his attempts to land a blow.

"So, are you struggling?" Kimimaro inquired casually as Zoro grappled with the bone barriers.

Zoro shot him a glare. He had sliced through bone before, so why was it different now?

"Did I forget to mention that I have full control over my bones? They're harder than steel," Kimimaro revealed calmly.

Zoro's eyes widened in realization.

"Dance of the Larch!" Kimimaro announced, intensifying his assault. Spikes surged towards Zoro from every angle. Though Zoro tried to block with his swords, the relentless barrage overwhelmed him. The spikes not only struck him several times but also began to grow in size.

Zoro retaliated, aiming another attack at Kimimaro, only to find his swords ensnared in the bone spikes. He struggled in vain to free them.

"My apologies," Kimimaro remarked, his tone tinged with a hint of sarcasm. He then directed his fingers towards Zoro's face. "Finger Bullet Drill!"

Zoro managed to dodge most of the bone bullets, but one grazed his cheek. Unwavering, Zoro refused to release his grip on his swords. Kimimaro, glaring at him fiercely, delivered a powerful punch to Zoro's gut, reinforced with bones harder than steel. The impact forced Zoro to relinquish his swords and sent him crashing into a nearby tree.

"What the..." Zoro muttered, rising to his feet.

Kimimaro retracted the bone spikes into his body and casually discarded Zoro's swords.

"Only trash relies on so many swords," Kimimaro commented dismissively.

"Trash... is that what I am to you?" Zoro demanded, gritting his teeth as he stood defiantly.

Kimimaro regarded Zoro, noticing the numerous wounds covering his body. He wondered how Zoro could still stand.

"Perhaps you're more than trash... but all useless opponents are," Kimimaro retorted coldly. "Dance of the Willow!"

Blades extended from both of Kimimaro's palms, and he moved with grace and speed towards Zoro, who was left with only one sword to defend himself. As Kimimaro pressed his advantage, Zoro focused on retrieving his other swords, determined to turn the tide of the battle.

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