Chapter 47 (Little Garden Arc: Part 5)

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Vivi was escorted to the site of Dorry and Broggy's ongoing battle, where she recounted the events that had transpired to the towering giants. Meanwhile, Mr. 3, a peculiar figure with a hairdo resembling the number three, had constructed an ominous contraption – a bizarre candelabra.

A short while later, Vivi, Zoro, and Nami found themselves restrained within the strange apparatus, their lower bodies encased in wax.

"So... any guesses on his scheme?" Nami inquired, noticing their limited mobility.

"I'll enlighten you," Mr. 3 declared.

"Really, that's not necessary..." Nami attempted to interject.

"Thanks a lot, witch, now he's monologuing," Zoro muttered sarcastically.

Mr. 3 proceeded to outline his plan: the spinning mechanism atop the candelabra would release a waxy mist, coating them and transforming them into wax figures. For the sake of brevity, the details of his monologue were omitted.

"You're truly unsettling," Nami remarked uneasily.

"Hey!" Mr. 3 retorted. "But that's beside the point; I must determine what to do with you. You're too resilient to succumb to the wax treatment like the others, and your current poses aren't ideal."

Zoro shot him a glare, struggling against the restraints, knowing that Vivi and Nami were in peril.

Meanwhile, at the mountainside, everyone remained conscious, albeit battered. Carue diligently worked to free Shiki, Luffy, Usopp, and himself from the rubble.

With a determined battle cry, Luffy, Shiki, Usopp, and Carue dashed off.

Back at the sinister death trap, Broggy, also ensnared by wax, attempted to break free but was thwarted by Mr. 3, who strategically placed swords in his hands and feet.

"Broggy!" Nami cried out.

"You despicable fiend!" Vivi yelled in outrage.

As Mr. 3 accelerated the candelabra's rotation, Nami began to cough, clutching her chest in pain.

"He's trying to petrify us from the inside out," Vivi realized grimly.

Amidst Mr. 3's maniacal laughter, Zoro interrupted, halting his villainous speech.

"Does anyone else despise his monologuing? I can't be the only one," Zoro remarked.

Despite being adversaries, they found common ground.

"You know, your monologues are a tad ridiculous," Ms. Valentine's chimed in.

"Yeah..." Mr. 5 agreed.

"My monologues aren't ridiculous!" Mr. 3 protested. "Right, Ms. Golden Week?"

His young partner, Golden Week, remained silent.

"We'll discuss this later!" Mr. 3 snapped.

"Don't just stand there, Zoro! Do something!" Nami urged.

However, Zoro's gaze remained fixed on the tormented giant. Broggy was consumed by thoughts of his battles and his fate, tears streaming down his face, much to Mr. 3's amusement.

"This suffering, this anguish! I revel in it," Mr. 3 declared.

"Enough with the monologues!" the others yelled in unison.

"But..." Mr. 3 attempted to interject.

"I can't move my hand," Nami cried, panic rising. "I can't die like this!"

"Our bodies are beginning to harden," Vivi observed.

"So, giant, can you still move?" Zoro asked. "A man with no arms and legs is still more useful than a dead man."

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