Chapter 69 (Lightning Scroll Arc: Part 10)

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The three Straw Hats and their eccentric monarch companion returned to the town where they had met with the mayor.

"So, what are we going to do with this?" asked Misaki, holding the scroll.

"Well, you see, about a quarter of all pirates who come here seek this scroll," said the mayor. "I think it's best in your hands, Misaki."

"Thanks, but I don't think I'll keep it. That attack isn't my style," Misaki replied, tossing the scroll to Shiki. "I think it'll be much better in his hands."

"You mean I can learn it?" asked Shiki, blinking.

"As long as you promise never to harm the people you care about, then yes, you can learn it," said the mayor.

"Sure," Shiki said, tucking the scroll into his pocket.

"What's it called, anyway?" asked Luffy.

"It's called Great Dragon Fire," Shiki said with a smirk.

"Let's head back to the ship," Zoro suggested. "Otherwise, that witch will start hounding us."

The three Straw Hats, followed by Misaki, bid their farewells and returned to the ship.

"There you guys are," Nami exclaimed. "You're earlier than expected."

"Where are you guys headed?" Misaki asked.

"We're off to Alabasta to stop a revolution," Shiki answered.

Nami promptly punched him in the back of the head. "Idiot! You shouldn't go around saying stuff like that!" she scolded.

Rubbing the sore bump on his head, Shiki protested, "Hey, Nami, I just came from a fight. Don't go knocking my head; I'm still healing, you know," he pouted.

"That's what you get for being an idiot. Your brothers are rubbing off on you!" Nami scolded.

"Be careful," Misaki warned with a smirk. "The revolution isn't what it seems..."

Everyone stared at Misaki, wondering if she somehow knew about Baroque Works.

"Okay, you boys, back on the ship, now!" Nami commanded.

"Wait," Misaki interjected. "One more thing."

Misaki threw a kabob skewer at Zoro, cutting his cheek. She approached him and licked the cut, causing Zoro to shiver.

"I really hope we see each other again," Misaki said with a strange, yet slightly seductive smile.

"Yeah...," Zoro mumbled, nodding awkwardly, unsure of what to say.

They all boarded the ship and set sail, waving goodbye to the entire town and Misaki.

Shortly after the ship sailed out of sight and the townspeople dispersed, Misaki took out a whistle and blew it twice. A few minutes later, two large birds of prey landed on Misaki's arm.

"Can you hold on for a second? I haven't written the letters yet," Misaki said with a sweatdrop, earning a similar reaction from the birds.

Misaki began writing two letters. She handed one to each bird.

"Okay, you're taking your letter to the Fire Monarch," Misaki said to the first bird. "And you're taking yours to Ryu," she instructed the second bird.

Both birds nodded and flew off in different directions.

Misaki shrugged and began searching for her boat.

The next day on the Going Merry, the weather was pleasant as they sailed towards Alabasta. Shiki was focused on studying the Lightning Blade scroll, trying to understand it. However, there was a problem—he didn't know how to use Chi perfectly, so he needed to learn it completely before attempting the move.

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