Chapter 20 (Baratie Arc: Part 5)

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Don Krieg's men were gearing up for a fight... no one dared question Don Krieg, as one guy who did ended up shot.

"People sure are worked up... so this should be fun!" remarked Shiki, reading the atmosphere.

"So, do we have a deal?" asked Luffy to Zeff.

"I couldn't ask for a better deal... if you stayed a whole year, my ship would be a wreck," replied Zeff.

Luffy then used Gum Gum Rocket followed by Gum Gum Giant Sickle, a huge clothesline, taking out a lot of Krieg's men.

"Way to go, Chore Boy!" cheered one of the cooks.

"All right, bro!" cheered Shiki.

Luffy landed on a pole... however.

Shiki gave a dry chuckle with a sweat drop.

The ship's figurehead revealed itself to be a small boat on its own... one that launched bombs... which was being driven by Patty and Carne.

"Whoa!" exclaimed Shiki.

Then something else happened to the Baratie... a deck emerged from under the water.

Many of Krieg's men got onto the deck... just when the fight was about to really get started... Patty and Carne tried to attack Don Krieg in the fish boat... but he threw it back at the Baratie.

Just then, Sanji jumped up and kicked the fish boat away from the restaurant. However, it landed with a crash on the fighting deck.

Of course, Patty and Carne were not happy about that... they yelled at him, but Sanji calmly responded.

Shiki whistled, "Wow, that was impressive... I think I found a new sparring partner besides Zoro."

When no one was paying attention, a very powerful member of Krieg's crew arrived on the deck.

"What the!" yelled Shiki.

The member was dressed weird... very weird... weird armor decorated with giant pearls.

"What was that!" exclaimed the man.

"What, was he raised in the jungle?" asked Shiki sarcastically.

"Well, actually, Pearl was..." said one of Don Krieg's men who overheard that.

Shiki's anime fell. He couldn't believe he guessed right.

Pearl, the weirdo, quickly figured out that if he took out those who weren't the guys he just hit, he would be able to hurt them... so he knocked out Patty and Carne.

They continued to fight. Shiki still managed to take out a few who refused to fight their comrade, however, Sanji was the most impressive as he used various kicks that seemed almost deadly.

"Awesome footwork!" yelled Shiki.

This, of course, made Sanji the opponent for Pearl. Pearl began to boast about how invincible he was with his shields and how he had never lost a drop in battle... then they began to fight. Pearl used his strange shields to block Sanji's kicks. At that very moment, Don Krieg attacked Luffy, still on the pole. This sent Luffy flying... fortunately, he landed in a somewhat safe spot... on the Baratie's fins... but he landed on the back of Pearl's head... causing Pearl's face to knock into his shield, giving him a bloody nose.

"That scared me... I thought I was going to land in the ocean..." said Luffy.

"That's good..." said Shiki, wiping his brow.

Pearl looked at the blood... he looked freaked out. Everyone on Don Krieg's crew began to freak out, saying things like "It's not a battle wound" or "It's just a bloody nose."

"Okay... what's going on..." said Shiki.

"Do you think it has to do with the bloody nose?" asked Luffy, picking his nose.

Pearl began to bang his hand shields like a tambourine... then it started a fire.

"Oh no you don't, bastard!" yelled Shiki.

Shiki went for Pearl... when he collided with him, he yelled 'Gale Palm.' A small wind ball came out of Shiki's hand and flew to Pearl, extinguishing the fire... Pearl looked utterly shocked.

"That man put out Pearl's flames..." said one of Don Krieg's members.

"What is he?" asked another.

"He put out my defense..." said Pearl, twitching slightly. "Must make more!" He sent out flaming balls of fire.

"This guy is nuts..." said Shiki with a sweat drop.

The flaming balls were heading towards the restaurant itself. Fortunately, Zeff appeared in the doorway and kicked them all with his peg leg, putting them out at the same time... everyone was relieved and some were even amazed.

"Even with one leg, that was nothing..." said Zeff.

"Awesome!" yelled Shiki.

Luffy, on the other hand, was looking at something... he glanced at the mast and planned to knock it down so that it would land on Pearl.

"Gum Gum Pistol!" He punched the mast, it broke and landed right on Pearl's head, knocking him out.

"Good one, bro..." said Shiki.

"No prob..." said Luffy.

"That guy was weird..." said Shiki.

"And an idiot..." said Luffy.

Both brothers laughed.

"Sanji..." came a voice behind them.

Everyone turned around and saw Zeff on the ground, his peg leg broken... with someone holding part of his peg leg and a pistol to his head... and that person was... Gin...

"Gin!" yelled Shiki in surprise.

Sanji growled... who would have thought that was going to happen...

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