Chapter 28 (Cocoyashi Arc: Part 3)

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Nojiko cleared her throat, "I'm going to tell you Nami's story… but only if you promise to leave afterwards."

"That's not going to happen…" said Shiki.

Nojiko sighed… "Well anyways…" said Nojiko.

"I'm going," said Shiki as he got up, "Coming, bro?"

"Yea…" said Luffy.

"Don't you want to listen?" asked Usopp.

"Nope!" said the brothers in unison.

"Don't mind them…" said Sanji, "They're idiots…"

"I see…" said Nojiko with a sweat drop.

"Don't worry, I'll listen to the story!" said Usopp.

"And of course I will too!" said Sanji with love in his voice.

Nojiko nodded and began to start the story. About how both were orphaned during a war and a former marine/ tangerine farmer named Belle Mere found them and raised them as her own, Nami would often cause problems like stealing books and always wish that they were rich or was found by a rich couple. Then that one day Arlong took over the island and demanded money from everyone… 100,000 for the adults, 50,000 for children. 100,000 was all Belle Mere had left, which she used to pay for Nami and Nojiko. Arlong killed Belle Mere right in front of the two girls. One of the Fishmen found a map Nami made and Arlong kidnapped her. Later Nami returned… however as it turned out she joined Arlong's crew, all the villagers hated her when they found out… especially when she claimed it was about the money. However it was a lie, she had joined because she made a deal, if she paid him 100 Million Berries then she can buy back the village, and since then she's been stealing the money.

"Ever since that day…" said Nojiko.

"That monster! I'm going to kill him!" yelled Sanji.

Meanwhile, in the middle of Cocoyashi Village, Luffy and Shiki walked along… that's when they saw a group of Marines that were being led by Genzo, the old man that Arlong was threatening earlier… the sheriff of the town who wore a pinwheel on his hat… Both saw him… not paying attention that they were talking about Nami.

"Hey, how does that guy have a pinwheel on his hat…" said Shiki.

"I don't know… but it's cool…" said Luffy.

The two went to sit around, Shiki was deep in thought while just stared at the sky for about 20 minutes.

And that's when they heard the sound of gunshots echoing through the air. Shortly after, there was a commotion… they saw a crowd and noticed Nami among them.

"What's going on?" asked Luffy.

"I don't know…" said Shiki.

Both walked up to find Nojiko wounded, and Nami was there.

"Hey Nami!" said Shiki.

"Need help?" asked Luffy.

She grabbed both of them… "What are you still doing here! I want nothing to do with you two idiots!" she yelled, "Get off this island!"

She then literally threw both of them then ran.

"What's her problem?" said Luffy getting up.

"I don't know… but I think I have an idea," said Shiki.

"What?" asked Luffy.

"Well, if you noticed the group of Marines were talking about Nami and considering one of them was distinctly rat-like, I wouldn't put it past him to be working with Arlong with something… Arlong asked him to do something with Nami, which included shooting her sister… of course, I'm missing some bits and pieces because I don't know things about her past but I say my theory is correct…" said Shiki.

Oddly enough, Shiki was right, the Marines that passed them were there to confiscate Nami's money after being told by Arlong… it was then that Genzo and Nojiko admitted all along and that the whole Village knew… and since Nami's money was in the Tangerine Grove that Belle Mere once owned, things got messy and Nojiko was shot by the Marines.

"Makes sense…" said Luffy, "But why does it feel like we're missing some things…"

"Because we are…" says Shiki.

Sometime later, the two brothers began to look around again when they saw Nami… stabbing her tattoo… Shiki ran up to stop her and threw the knife aside.

"What are you two doing here! You don't know anything!" she yelled.

"What are you doing!" said Shiki.

"This has nothing to do with you!" she yelled.

"Yes! It does, and we are getting off this island whether you like it or not. My brother and I didn't come all this way for nothing, so it's time for you to stop being stubborn and accept our help!" yelled Shiki.

Nami got up and hugged Shiki and was silently crying then turned to Shiki, "Please… help… me... Shiki."

Shiki smiled at her before removing his necklace and placed it in her hands, "Damn right I am!" Shiki then walks towards Arlong Park with his hands in his pocket, the most pissed off he has ever been.

"My brother cares, Nami, so don't worry I will back him up," says Luffy.

Luffy then placed his hat on her head and then walks towards Arlong Park, catching up to his brother.

For some reason or another, the rest of the crew was there as well.

"Let's go!" said Shiki and Luffy.

"Right!" said all of the guys.

And with that, the fight with Arlong's crew began.

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