Chapter 8 (Orange Town Arc: Part 4)

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Zoro continued to block Cabaji's sword using two of his swords; however, his wound reopened. Just then, Cabaji blew fire into his face and kicked his wound.

"Oh man, that's got to hurt," thought Shiki.

They watched as Cabaji repeatedly cheated. After Cabaji kicked up dust and locked swords with Zoro, he once again kicked Zoro in the wound. Nami couldn't take it anymore.

"What are you doing, Shiki? You are his crewmates, aren't you... or don't you remember? And if you do, you could at least help him!" yelled Nami.

"Zoro won't die," said Shiki, motioning over to Zoro, who had just gotten up.

"I hope you enjoyed kicking my wound," said Zoro.

Zoro slashed his wound open even more, surprising Shiki and Luffy, who thought it was cool, while Nami was surprised.

Zoro began to draw his third sword. "I plan to be the world's best swordsman," said Zoro.

"What are you talking about?" said Cabaji.

"Now I'll show you real swordplay," said Zoro.

While they were exchanging words, Nami realized something.

"Oh yeah, I should..." said Nami.

She placed her hand on Shiki's shoulder. "Hey, do you see that shack behind the ruins?" she asked, pointing to the shack behind Buggy's hideout.

"Yeah, what about it?" said Shiki.

"Well, that's where Buggy keeps his treasure," said Nami. "I'm going to take it while his crew is knocked out. Then I'm going to make my escape. Whether you win or lose doesn't matter. Buggy probably has the map to the Grand Line. But if you manage to get it, I might change my mind," she said.

"Okay," said Shiki.

The thief left.

Back with the fight, Cabaji threw a bunch of tops at Zoro. While Zoro was fighting them, Cabaji was climbing up a wall and was about to cut Zoro from above. Buggy decided to help out and launched one of his hands at Zoro. Shiki noticed this and stomped on the hand.

"Don't get involved in this fight. I don't want to have to hurt you," said Shiki, picking up Buggy's hand and tossing it back at the clown.

"Wow, cool bro," said Luffy.

Back with the fight, Zoro was breathing heavily and collapsed to his knees.

"I'm tired," said Zoro.

"So your wound is finally getting to you?" asked Cabaji.

"No, I'm tired of your circus tricks," said Zoro.

"Fine, no more circus tricks... real swordsmanship then," said Cabaji.

Sadly for Cabaji, Zoro was getting serious.

"Oni," said Zoro, getting ready.

"So, he's using one of his special attacks," said Shiki, interested in Zoro's next move.

"Giri," said Zoro, then sliced Cabaji with his swords.

Cabaji fell in a bloody heap.

"How can common thieves defeat me?" asked Cabaji.

"We're not thieves... we're pirates," said Zoro, who collapsed. "Guys, I need to sleep now," and then began to snore.

Luffy turned his attention to Buggy.

"Looks like it's time for our fight," said Luffy.

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