Chapter 46 (Little Garden Arc: Part 4)

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Luffy, Shiki, and Vivi gazed intently at the towering giant before them. If Shiki's suspicions held true, then the cataclysmic event must have been caused by a Devil Fruit.

"I wonder what kind of Devil Fruit could cause such destruction," Shiki mused softly to himself, a realization dawning on him. "Wait! That booger guy from Whiskey Peak!"

Before he could finish his thought, the eruption interrupted him, and Dorry began to stir.

"What do you think you're doing?" Shiki inquired urgently.

"Where do you think you're going, Mr. Giant?" Luffy queried.

"It might be perilous," Vivi cautioned.

"I can't dishonor the name of Elbaf!" Dorry declared defiantly, despite his evident pain.

Meanwhile, at the other giant's location, Broggy had departed for battle.

"He certainly seems to relish these futile skirmishes," Nami remarked with a hint of exasperation.

"Don't say it like that!" Usopp interjected defensively. "So... What's our plan? The Log Pose does take a year to reset."

"We should return to the ship and devise a strategy," Nami suggested.

"But with those dinosaurs lurking around, getting back to the ship won't be easy!" Usopp exclaimed. "I can't handle those creatures, and I doubt anyone else in our group can either."

Observing Usopp's anxiety, Nami sighed, sweat gathering on her brow. "I'm not sure... How about we join Shiki, Luffy, and Nefeltari at the other giant's location?"

With Usopp nodding vigorously in agreement, they set off for Dorry's dwelling.

Back at Dorry's place, the colossal white mountains loomed over the trapped siblings.

"How did he manage to bury us like this?" Shiki pondered.

Despite Shiki's attempts to reason with him, Dorry remained steadfast in his determination to leave.

"We can't abandon him!" Luffy exclaimed, urgency in his voice.

As they endeavored to free the giants from their rocky prison, Vivi noticed Carue was missing.

In another part of the forest, the "weaker" group dashed frantically, unaware that Nami needed to pause and catch her breath. Only moments later, her scream pierced the air.

"What was that?" Usopp exclaimed, turning to find Nami missing.

Drawing a hasty conclusion, Usopp bolted, shouting, "Nami's been devoured by a dinosaur!"

"Ignorant fool..." Nami muttered, trailing after him.

Arriving where the others gathered, Usopp blurted out, "It's dreadful! Nami has fallen prey to a dinosaur!"

"Wait, wait, wait! Slow down! What happened?" Shiki interjected, seeking clarification.

Usopp recounted the event.

"Perhaps... it was the work of Baroque Works," speculated Shiki.

"What do you mean?" Usopp inquired.

"Well, if it was Baroque Works, Nami would be their target, not the rest of you," Vivi reasoned. "So, what Shiki suggested might hold truth..."

"It's possible the ale was tampered with by individuals from Whiskey Peak," Shiki added. "One of them possesses a Devil Fruit with such capabilities."

Perplexed, Usopp exclaimed, "What do you mean the ale exploded inside his stomach, and he still fought with his innards torn apart?"

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