Chapter 22 (Baratie Arc: Part 7)

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Everyone stared at Sanji, surprised by this revelation. After all, none of them knew how Zeff lost his leg.

"So Chef Zeff ate his foot to save Sanji?" asked one of the cooks.

"I can't imagine that because Sanji and Zeff fight like cats and dogs…" said another cook.

"Sanji… why did you get up?" said Gin.

Sanji didn't say anything, while Shiki just watched, angry that everyone had an opponent he had to do something about.

Pearl ran towards Sanji, but Sanji just stood there. Then, for some reason, Pearl stopped, blinked, and began to rub his eyes.

"Uhhh…" said Pearl.

"What's going on?" yelled Don Krieg.

Sanji just stared at Pearl. "What are you doing?"

"Sanji… look to your left," said Zeff.

Sanji did just that… he saw… himself… not only that, but the other Sanji had the same wounds. Sanji jumped nearly a foot in the air in shock.

"Who are you, you crap imposter?" asked Sanji.

"You…" said the imposter Sanji.

"What do you mean you're me?" asked Sanji.

"I'm you…" said the imposter Sanji.

Sanji looked around and noticed someone was missing.

"You know… if you wanted to be a decoy… you should have made one for yourself… Shiki… I fight alone," said Sanji.

Shiki, who transformed into Sanji, grabbed Sanji by the shirt collar and yelled, "Shut up! He lost a limb so you could live… if you get killed then his sacrifice will be in vain! So you're seriously going to let that happen!"

Sanji grabbed the shirt collar back. "How else can I save him and this ship!" Sanji yelled back.

"I don't know… but it shouldn't be throwing your life away!" yelled the Sanji disguised Shiki.

"Stop now, you two!" said Luffy.

"I don't think that will work…" said Zeff with a sigh, "I'm guessing something happened to him that's similar to what happened to Sanji…"

Luffy just sighed, knowing the exact reason why Shiki was getting involved. After all, he went through it too… to be honest, he probably would be the one doing this to Sanji if Shiki hadn't beaten him to the punch.

"I'm taking that as a yes, and you went through the same thing," said Zeff.

However, Luffy didn't say anything, which Zeff took as confirmation.

Pearl looked to Shiki, "Come on, boy, I will not be defeated by someone as pathetic as you!"

"Then let's go!" said Shiki.

Shiki ran towards Pearl, but Pearl was too slow to react… and that's when Shiki kicked him into the air. Shiki then jumped high into the air. Midair, Shiki gave an axe kick that was covered in flame, "Dragon Axe!"… with the final blow being a kick to the ground. When Pearl landed, his armor shattered.

"That's what you get for underestimating me! The future strongest man!" he yelled.

"When did he do that?" yelled practically all of Don Krieg's conscious men.

Actually, he did, but that's beside the point…

"He really wants to get that name out there…" said Sanji.

Suddenly, Gin ran towards Shiki while taking out what looked like batons mixed with maces…

Gin was about to strike Shiki from behind.

"Shiki!" shouted Luffy.

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