Chapter 7 (Orange Town Arc: Part 3)

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Shiki lunged at Ritchie, thrashing and punching him.

"Ritchie!" yelled Mohji, who was on Richie's back. "Let go of my pet lion, you bastard!" he yelled.

Shiki then grabbed Mohji off Ritchie and proceeded to slam Ritchie. Mohji attempted to attack Shiki, but Shiki used his Blaze Machine Gun to slam Mohji's body into Richie. "That was for Chouchou, you prick!" yelled Shiki.

"Because of you, that poor dog lost the last thing that reminded him of his owner! And you just took it from him!" Shiki exclaimed.

Shiki then calmed down as he noticed a box of dog food on the ground and picked it up. Luffy approached his brother.

"At least it's better than nothing," said Shiki.

Both headed back to the ruins of Chouchou's store. Chouchou was sadly staring at it.

Nami and Boodle were already there.

"I can't believe it," said Nami.

"I bet the pirates did this," said Boodle.

Nami planned to attack Luffy and Shiki the moment they returned, thinking that all pirates were the same.

Then, Shiki showed up, with Luffy right behind, thinking about his favorite food-meat.

"Well, well... it's you two again," said Nami, angered by them and thinking all pirates were alike. She ran towards Shiki, seeing him as the closest target, but Shiki swiftly blocked her attacks. Before Nami could throw a left hook, Shiki grabbed her fists.

"I have to stop you! If you monsters get a bigger crew, you'll cause even more damage," yelled Nami, trying to break free.

Shiki chuckled, "I think you're overreacting a little bit," and he let her go.

Frustrated, Nami looked away, not wanting to face the pirate.

Finally catching up, Luffy turned to Shiki, "What's her problem?" he asked.

Shiki shrugged, and both brothers went to sit next to Chouchou, placing the box of dog food in front of him.

"It's the only thing I was able to recover," said Shiki, petting Chouchou.

"Eat up... my brother fought hard for you," said Luffy, smiling at Chouchou.

Chouchou picked up the box with his mouth and began to leave. He dropped the box for a few seconds, barking happily at Shiki and Luffy.

"Your welcome!" said Shiki and Luffy.

Nami looked at Shiki, "He fought the lion for the dog... that's strange. Since when does a pirate have a heart? So, is it possible that not all pirates are bad? Even so, I still don't trust them... but I think I at least need to apologize to him for trying to attack him earlier," she thought.

Nami walked over to Shiki, "Sorry," she said.

Shiki smiled, "Nah, that's all right... the past is in the past," he said.

Boodle sighed. He began a speech about protecting the town, explaining how he helped build it and that he wouldn't watch it be destroyed. Shiki and Luffy agreed with him. Just when he was about to fight Buggy, another explosion occurred-this time at his house, where Zoro was sleeping.

"Zoro!" yelled Luffy.

"You think he survived?" asked Boodle.

"I bet he did," said Shiki.

Shiki was right-Zoro was alive, and somehow, Boodle noticed, without a scratch on him.

"What the?! What is this young man?" said Boodle, shocked by Zoro's flawless state.

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