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"I'm so excited! Alex and Maggie will be here to see me play in the basketball championship!" Kara exclaimed as she sat at the breakfast table that morning. "Don't forget Alex is also bringing her friend Lena too! So I want you to be on your best behavior. She'll be bunking with you when they arrive today!" "I'll be on my best behavior Eliza, I've gotten my room all cleaned and everything." Kara replied. "Good. Do you have practice tonight?" Eliza asked. "Yea. It's the last one before Saturday's championship game." Kara stated. "Good, I think I'll have the girls pick you up then, so I can get supper going." Eliza replied. "Works for me. Well, I'm off to school! See you tonight! Love you!" Kara exclaimed as she bounded out the door.

Kara walked into her first class of the day which was science. Taking the seat next to her best friend Win she pulled out her notebook while waiting on Mr. Jones to come into the room. "Good morning class! Today we'll be working on our microscope skills. At your lab tables you'll find five slides. It's your task to tell me what's on those slides. You may begin...now!" Mr Jones stated. Kara and Win began working on looking at their slides.

Half way through the class Mr. Jones walked around checking on everyone's progress. "Good job Kara, Win keep it up." He stated as he continued on his way. "This is salmonella." Kara whispered to Win who wrote it down on their worksheet. "That's the last one Kara!" He exclaimed as she turned off the microscope and helped finish the worksheet before passing it in to Mr. Jones who now sat at his desk. "Done so soon?" He asked looking at the students. "Yes sir. We double and triple checked the slides." Kara added with a smile. "Good job you two, you may head back to your seats. Mr. Jones stated.

Later that day Kara headed to the gymnasium for practice. "You ready for Saturday Kara?" One of her teammates asked. "Yea, I can't wait to beat them. How's your knee coming along Lacey?" Kara asked. "It's coming along slowly. James has been after me to stay off it as much as possible. And since I can't play right now I can still come watch you guys practice." Lacey replied. "Well, we'll do our best to win for you Lacey. Then you can take the Mustangs to victory next year when James is off in Harvard and I'm off with Alex and Maggie at Columbia." Kara replied reassuringly. "You'll come back to see me won't you?" Lacey asked. "Of course! Can't miss my best friend's basketball championship now can I?" Kara said teasingly. "Come on let's go get to practice." Kara added as she walked out of the changing room.

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