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After dinner everyone returns back upstairs to get ready to go see Kara's senior project. Lena for one cannot wait to see her girlfriend's work. As soon as they all get into the car they're chatting about the project and how as Lena puts it 'it'll be the best one of them all.' Upon arriving at the high school Kara is quickly greeted by her classmates who were waiting outside the door. Holding Kara's hand as they walk up to the group of giggling girls Lena can't help but feel a twinge of jealousy inside her as she watched them hug the blonde. "Oh! Guys! This is my girlfriend Lena! Lee, these are my friends and teammates." Kara stated. "Pleasure to meet all of you." Lena greeted with a small smile.

A few minutes later Kara was leading her girlfriend proudly to the library where her project sat. "What is this Kar?" Alex asked. "It's the history of journalism and how news was passed around." Kara stated. Maggie and Alex shared a look not knowing what to say about it, so Lena took the opportunity to speak about it. "It's simply amazing Kara! How long did it take you to complete?" "About six months, or so. There's seven pages of credits to what I used to research the project, I did the cave drawings myself after doing some research on how to make the clay just right." Kara explained.

"You made the clay?" Maggie asked. "Well yes...I wanted to make it as authentic looking as possible, and since you can't just cut out paint drawings, I had to do something." Kara stated. "It looks wonderful darling." Lena cooed as they continued looking at it. "Hey guys!" Winn called out as he approached the group. "Hey Winn! What is it you made for your senior project?" Alex asked. "Is that...an actual dialysis machine?" Lena asked. "Well not exactly, it's a hand made version, but it has all the same parts as a real one and functions the same. So I guess you could call it a replica or something. I decided on it to honor my late grandmother. Here check it out!" Winn exclaimed happily.

Everyone took a in-depth look at Winn's senior project before returning to Kara's table to wait for the teachers to arrive to grade them. "Who's that?" Lena asked. "That's my biology teacher Mr. Jones." Kara replied with a smile as the bald man walked over the Danvers family. "Hello everyone! Are you enjoying yourselves tonight?" Mr. Jones asked. "Indeed we are! We were just admiring Kara's work here." Eliza stated with a smile. "Ah yes! She like most everyone here out did themselves with their projects." He stated looking at everyone.

"Do you miss us Mr. Jones?" Maggie asked smirking at their former teacher. "Oh of course I do Miss Sawer! I miss both of you! Class isn't the same since my two favorite seniors left for Columbia. Oh! My apologies! I'm Kara's teacher, Mr. Jones." He stated extending a hand to Lena. "Pleasure to meet you! I'm Kara's girlfriend Lena!" Lena stated with a smile. "Ah! Do you go to Columbia too with those knuckleheads?" Mr. Jones asked. "Yes, actually we're all roommates!" Lena added with a smile. Mr. Jones just looked shocked at that and shook his head causing Alex and Maggie to laugh.

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