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Kara and the rest of the Columbia basketball team tore through the homemade banner as the loud music bounced around the gymnasium. They girls did a quick huddle before running a lap around the gymnasium and Kara saw Lena, Alex, Andrea, and the entire staff of their house sitting in the bleachers which surprised her greatly. Soon the game began and Kara managed to get the first score of the game which caused and eruption from the crowd. Kara smiled as she knew Lena was the one cheering the loudest of all. "THAT'S MY FIANCÉ!" Lena yelled out happily. As the game continued Columbia was in the lead by only ten points but that wasn't stopping them. 

"Kara is really good!" Lucinda said. "Yes she is, shes one of the best players they have." Alex said. "She could probably go pro...if she wanted to." Andrea added. "Yea...but she doesn't want to. She wants to write news, not be news." Lena said. Jennifer was running down the court when another player got tripped up with her. She fell down hard. "TIME OUT!" The coaches called. "Jennifer! Are you ok?" Kara yelled as she ran over to her friend. 

Jennifer slowly sat up holding her nose, she had a large bump on her forehead and she was bleeding from her nose and her head. "Someone call a medic!" Another teammate called out. The coaches quickly called off the ambulance to come while the women on both teams sat down with Jennifer. The girl who got tangled up with her sat down and quietly apologized. "I'm sorry...I didn't meant to get tangled up with you." She whispered. "It's..all good.." Jennifer said. "I'm just glad you're ok..." The woman said. "Jennifer..." Jennifer replied with a smile. "Nice to meet you..even if the circumstances are pretty shitty...I'm Lauren..by the way." She said with a smile.

Soon the ambulance came and loaded Jennifer up on to the stretcher and took her away. Everyone waited on bated breath to hear whether or not the game would get called. "Due to the seriousness of injury...the game will be called for today!" The referee's announced. Kara and the rest of the team headed off the court and went to their changing room. "I hope Jennifer's ok..." one woman said. "Me too." Kara replied as she quickly changed into her sweatpants and hoodie.

Kara quickly found Lena and everyone else standing outside of the gymnasium. "How's Jennifer?" Alex asked. "Coach said she has a concussion, and a broken nose..but she should be ok for the next game." Kara said. "She looked pretty bad." Andrea said. "Yea...I know...I've got some of her blood on my jersey..." Kara said. "No worries Miss Kara, I'll get that stain out." Lucinda said.

"Hey Danvers!" Someone yelled from behind them. Kara and Alex turned around to see a woman from the opposing team come running over to them. "Can I help you?" Kara asked. "Your Jennifer's friend right?" The woman asked. "Yeah..why?" Kara asked. "Cause..it was me who got tangled up with her..I was just wondering if maybe you had her number...so I could call her and send her flowers or something." The woman said. "Sure..." Kara said as she took the woman's phone and put in Jennifer's number before handing it back. "Thanks!" The woman replied as she ran off again.

"Come on love..let's go home..Alex and Andi already left." Lena said as they continued walking to their cars.

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