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Sporting a sports bra and boxers Kara walked into her room not knowing Lena was in the closet putting her clothes away. "OH!" Kara yelped out when she walked into Lena. "Oh sorry! I..um..Alex said...wow!" Lena mumbled the last word as she took in the sight before her. Kara was toned and fit, muscles rippled everywhere on her body. "Can you pass me a tank top?" Kara asked looking at Lena. "Uh..yea.." Lena replied grabbing a random tank top from Kara's clothes. "Thanks. I should probably apologize for walking in on you like this." Kara stated as he put on the tank top. "Oh it's ok. It is your room after all, I'm just bunking in it for the next couple months." Lena replied.

"Lena I don't have something for you to wear Saturday!" Alex exclaimed as she and Maggie poked their heads around the door. "It's alright." Lena replied. "Wait! You can wear my away jersey. It's my senior year and we get to keep our jerseys, so it's not a big deal." Kara stated. Maggie and Alex shared a knowing look before disappearing again. "Thanks Kara, but are you sure you don't have someone else you'd want to wear it?" Lena asked. "Oh no. Not anymore." Kara replied. "What happened?" Lena asked as she sat on the bed next to Kara. "We broke up. She transferred schools at the beginning of the year." Kara explained. "Oh I'm sorry to hear that." Lena replied.

"It's alright. I'm well over her." Kara replied as she put on a pair of gym shorts similar to her practice shorts she had on earlier. Lena had to contain the happy squeal she wanted to let loose at hearing the news of the youngest Danvers. "Come on, mom should have dinner ready now, and I'm starving!" Kara said as she grabbed Lena's hand dragging her from the room and down the stairs only to let it go when they entered the dining room. Taking the last seats left, they sat side by side as Eliza loaded everyone's plates up with slices of oooey gooey lasagna and Texas toast.

"This looks wonderful Mrs. Danvers." Lena stated. "Oh dear call me Eliza." Eliza stated. "It's delicious mom!" Alex exclaimed. "Yea Eliza you out did yourself again!" Maggie added. "Kara? How is it?" Eliza asked. "Wonderful as always! Sorry...I'm just super hungry." Kara stated looking at her adoptive mom. "You always are my dear." Eliza stated causing everyone to laugh.

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