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May came and with it the news that the Mustangs would be going to the softball championship. Kara couldn't wait to tell Lena that night so immediately after she found out she sent her girlfriend a long text telling her all about it. Kara knew that Lena was busy with preparing for her upcoming finals so she wasn't too concerned about her not responding. Lena was indeed busy with getting ready for her exams. She was seated with Alex and Maggie in the library going over everything they needed for their individual exams.

Eyes were tired as they continued reading sentence after sentence. "Ok! I'm exhausted! And hungry!" Alex exclaimed groggily. "I agree! Let's go back home and order some food." Maggie added. "Let's pack up and head out!" Lena groaned as they grabbed their bags and loaded their books and notes into them. Once they arrived back at the townhouse Lena took a moment to call Kara to congratulate her on getting to the championship in softball.

"Hey Kar! Congratulations on making it to the championship!" Lena exclaimed. "Thanks Lee! How's studying going? Are you all exhausted?" Kara asked. "Oh you don't even want to know how exhausted we are! It's ridiculous, Al's ordering food in tonight because none of us can feel our limbs enough to cook something even remotely healthy." Lena groaned. "Who's that Lena?" Maggie asked. "It's Kara! She and the softball team just made it to the championship!" Lena called out. Maggie ran over to where she sat on the sofa and grabbed the phone. "Congratulations little Danvers! We are so proud of you! We'll be there for the game! Ok I'll let you get back to your girlfriend! I'll have Al call you later!" Maggie stated as she pass the phone back to Lena before going back into the kitchen.

"Sorry about that Kar...so tell me what else is going on?" Lena asked. "Well I go to get my prom dress this weekend with Lacey. Other than that my graduation stuff came in along with my senior ring. I'll send you pictures of it later. I've got to find a summer dress to wear under my gown for graduation too. Eliza said it'd look nice that way. Other than that not much going on here. Hows everything there? Besides the horrendous amounts of studying going on?" Kara asked.

Lena let out a long sigh before talking again. "Well the seniors are preparing to graduate, so that means they'll be moving their junk out into the streets and leaving it for free. Everyone else is getting ready for exams and the library is really crowded so we all came back here to study. Well that and Alex and Maggie got hungry, I'll admit I got hungry too. It's been a lot of long nights of studying. But it'll be completely worth it in the end cause when they are done it'll mean I'll be back in Midvale with you." Lena replied. "I cannot wait Lee! But I should be going, I have to finish my senior project and I'm sure you guys have more studying to do and burgers to eat. I love you Lee! I'm sure Alex will call me later so you can pull a Maggie and take the phone from her." Kara stated. "I love you too Kara! And I sure will!" Lena exclaimed as they hung up the phone.

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