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A couple days later everyone has everything they want to get everyone for Christmas. Now everyone has separated to wrap each other's gifts. Kara's even promised not to peek at anything since Andrea doesn't know about her 'secret'. Lena is up in the attic of the small house pondering over something. She looks at the ring box in her hand and begins to think about purposing to Kara over this holiday instead of waiting for her birthday next year.  She grabs her phone and texts Alex and Eliza to have them meet her up in the attic. She's already gotten their stuff wrapped so it's not a big deal. "You ok Lena?" Alex asks as they climb the stairs. "Um..yes...I just wanted you both up here to talk to you about something." Lena admits. "Talk..and Kara will hear us. Better yet let's write everything we're gonna say out on paper." Eliza replied.

Alex grabs a pad of paper and three pens and hands it to Lena. "Go ahead." She says.

L: I'm considering purposing to Kara over the holiday, instead of doing it on her birthday.

A: OH MY GOD! Yes! I think you should!

Eliza smiles to herself before writing what she thinks.

E: I agree with Alex. It will be a wonderful surprise!

L: You think? Ok...but when?

E: When we do the pictures. When I take the one of you two, thats when you should do it.

A: Yess! That's a brilliant idea!

L: Ok...then we have a plan. Now I need to burn this or put it somewhere where Kara won't find it.

Eliza grabs the paper and crumples it up before walking out of the attic with Alex behind her. They did it they have a plan for Lena to purpose to Kara. 'I just hope she says yes.' Lena thinks to herself as she continues wrapping.

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