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The next day around noon Maggie arrived at their house for another celebration lunch with Kara and Lena. Lucinda quickly greeted Maggie at the door before bringing her into the dining room where Kara and Lena stood. "Hey guys! Uh..nice house!" Maggie greeted as she pulled them into a hug. "Thank you!" They both said. "So Maggie, how are your classes going?" Lena asked. "They're going really well...actually next semester I start shadowing a crime scene investigator." Maggie replied. "Maggie that's wonderful news!" Kara exclaimed as they took their seats. "Thanks...it's only one day a week..so I'll still have time to do the rest of my classes." Maggie replied.

"Dinner is ready! Would you like me to bring it in now?" Lucinda asked from the doorway. "Yes please!" Kara said. "Very well!" Lucinda replied. A minute later the maids were bringing out platters of food and beverages. "I hope you like sparkling water." Lena said. "Oh thats ok." Maggie replied. "Lobster macaroni and cheese, lamb chops, ceaser salad, and for dessert we have two different pies, mixed berry and chocolate pecan." The head chef said. "Thank you!" Lena replied with a smile.

"This looks so good!" Maggie said as everyone began digging into the food. "Eat all you like Maggie, and whatever you can't eat, I'll have Lucinda package up for you." Kara replied. "Are you sure? Don't you want to keep them?" Maggie asked. "Oh no. The chef's make sure to have plenty of snacks ready for the evening." Lena replied. "Oh well ok...my dorm mate will definitely appreciate this." Maggie replied.

"Oh? Which dorm did you get into?" Kara asked. "Uh...Smith." Maggie replied. "Oh the mixed dorms. My teammates all live in that dorm." Kara replied. "Oh..nice." Maggie replied. "Yep." Kara replied. "So are you going back home for the holidays? Or will Eliza be coming here?" Maggie asked trying to make conversation. "I think we're all gathering here this time." Lena said. "Oh I'm sure Eliza will love not having to cook this year." Maggie replied. "Oh yea...she'll be able to relax for once." Kara said.

As dinner went on everyone found that the conversation was harder to come by than they originally thought. "So...would you like a tour?" Lena asked. "Yes!" Maggie said. "Ok! Well you've already seen most of the downstairs, but this way is our theater room. We watch a lot of movies in here....and over here is our gym, and pool area." Lena said. "And over here is our library, and down that hallway is the staff rooms, and the exit to the garden and outside pool. Now for upstairs tour." Kara added as the tree of them began walking up the wide staircase.

"There's our room, it's got a lovely balcony that over looks the garden. Lee and I celebrated with dinner Friday night out there. Down this way are the guest bedrooms, and down the other way...is the in home offices are." Kara said. "It's very nice! Have you decided on when you'll be getting married?" Maggie asked as they returned downstairs again. "Yea, we're gonna wait till we're both finished school." Lena replied. "That's a good idea. So..so where will you be getting married?" Maggie asked. "We've been discussing just doing it here, then going from here to our destination honeymoon." Kara replied. "Well..I look forward to it! I had fun tonight guys, but I need to get going...tell Lucinda thank you for the leftovers, I'll see you all tomorrow." Maggie said. "Thank you for coming Maggie!" They both said together as they waved her off as she got into her car and drove away.

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