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After a few hours of tubing down river everyone got out of the cool water and began to make their way back towards the campsite. Kara saw Lena begin to get tired so she insisted on her getting on her back for the rest of the trip. "Are you sure?" Lena asked. "Yes! Come on Lee it'll be fun!" Kara exclaimed as she knelt down to let Lena climb on her back. Giggling erupted as Kara walked with Lena on her back. "That's so sweet!" One girl called out as they walked. "Lazy ass!" Sam groaned as she marched past them. "What was that Arias?" Alex snapped. "I just said how lazy Luthor is! Using Kara as a horse!" Sam complained. "Oh for fucks sake Arias! Shut up! Get over yourself! You transferred schools, you dumped Kara, you chose to rub it in her face that you were with the new bitch for months!" Maggie snapped.

Lena whispered something in Kara's ear as they continued on their way. Sam continued growing and whining about how happy her exe was now. A few minutes later Lena was sliding off Kara's back as they now arrived at the campsite. "Thank you darling!" Lena cooed as she kissed Kara before they sank into their camp chairs. "I'll start a fire, and we can start making or dinner." Alex stated. Maggie sat beside Kara and began unpacking the food they brought. "Six packs of hotdogs, and six packs of buns! And a whole cooler full of different sodas! All for the request of our favorite graduate!" Maggie cooed as she began putting hotdogs in the frying pan.

Everyone else around them began fixing their own dinners, except theirs consisted of snack food and junk food. "This is the best day ever." Kara cooed as she got passed a plate full of hotdogs and sides. "Darling, you say that about everyday since I've met you." Lena replied. "Yes! Because everyday since I met you has been the best day ever." Kara exclaimed as she kissed her girlfriend on the cheek before continuing with her meal.

As the sun began to set the four women sat together around the fire laughing and talking while they roasted marshmallows and made s'mores. "Two days till graduation...then it's really over..." Kara whispered as she put her head on Lena's shoulder. "I know darling, but then a new chapter begins. We go to Hawaii, and then Columbia." Lena whispered wrapping her arm around the blonde.

Over on the other side of the campsite Sam sat beside Lacey while they took watched their own fire die down. "Did you hear that? Lena's taking Kara to Hawaii for her graduation gift!" Lacey exclaimed happily. "Well what do you expect? She's a rich snob!" Sam groaned. "You know what? I don't want to be your friend anymore! I only invited you here because I came with James! But I don't want to be your friend Sam! Your jealous! You weren't there to pick up Kara's broken heart! I was though along with everyone else here! So go home! I'm gonna go get a s'more from my friends!" Lacey snapped as she got up and walked over to where Kara was.

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